
experimental evidence for herbivore limitation of the treeline.the treeline ecotone divides forest from open alpine or arctic vegetation states. treelines are generally perceived to be temperature limited. the role of herbivores in limiting the treeline is more controversial, as experimental evidence from relevant large scales is lacking. here we quantify the impact of different experimentally controlled herbivore densities on the recruitment and survival of birch betula pubescens tortuosa along an altitudinal gradient in the mountains of southern norway. a ...201021141202
air-pollutant dispersal patterns and vegetation damage in the vicinity of three aluminium smelters in norway.dispersal patterns for fluoride and damage to vegetation was studied near three aluminium smelters in norway. leaf samples from three broad-leaved species (betula pubescens ehrh., salix caprea l. and sorbus aucuparia l.) were collected and leaf injury and the plants overall vitality were evaluated systematically in areas with different distance and direction from the emission sources. both dispersal patterns and the distribution of damages were mainly determined by the predominant wind direction ...199910535145
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