
isolation and identification of actinobacteria from surface-sterilized wheat roots.this is the first report of filamentous actinobacteria isolated from surface-sterilized root tissues of healthy wheat plants (triticum aestivum l.). wheat roots from a range of sites across south australia were used as the source material for the isolation of the endophytic actinobacteria. roots were surface-sterilized by using ethanol and sodium hypochlorite prior to the isolation of the actinobacteria. forty-nine of these isolates were identified by using 16s ribosomal dna (rdna) sequencing an ...200312957950
selenium in australia: selenium status and biofortification of wheat for better health.selenium (se) is an essential micronutrient for humans and animals, but is deficient in at least a billion people worldwide. wheat (triticum aestivum l.) is a major dietary source of se. the largest survey to date of se status of australians found a mean plasma se concentration of 103 microg/l in 288 adelaide residents, just above the nutritional adequacy level. in the total sample analysed (six surveys from 1977 to 2002; n = 834), plasma se was higher in males and increased with age. this study ...200516240676
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