
infestation of rhynchopsyllus pulex (siphonaptera: tungidae) on molossus molossus (chiroptera) in southeastern brazil.the infestation of rhynchopsyllus pulex on the bat molossus molossus was observed using mist-nets opened between constructions in the primatological center, in guapimirim, state of rio de janeiro, brazil.200111784941
foraging activity of the free-tailed bat molossus molossus (chiroptera; molossidae) in southeastern brazil.sunset and sunrise regulate the activities of most studied bat species. to verify patterns of foraging activity, 29 bat sampling nights were carried out over a dam in rio de janeiro city, which resulted in 363 hours with 730 captures, representing 13 species of insectivorous bats. molossus molossus constituted the bulk of the captures (79.9%) and was present in 82.8% of the sampling nights. this bat species exhibited crepuscular and nocturnal activity (from -6 minutes to 900 minutes after the ti ...201021180906
new species and records of mites of the superfamily sarcoptoidea (acariformes: psoroptidia) from mammals in brazil.sixteen species of the superfamily sarcoptoidea (acariformes: psoroptidia) belonging to 10 genera of the families atopomelidae, listrophoridae, chirodiscidae, and listropsoralgidae are recorded in brazil. among them, three species, prolistrophorus hylaeamys sp. nov. from hylaeamys laticeps (lund, 1840) (cricetidae: sigmodontinae) from minas gerais, lynxacarus serrafreirei sp. nov. from galictis cuja (molina, 1782) (carnivora: mustelidae) from rio de janeiro (listrophoridae), and didelphoecius mi ...201626751869
bat diversity of ilha da marambaia, southern rio de janeiro state, brazil (chiroptera, mammalia).few sites have been well sampled for bats, and samplings in islands are even scarcer. therefore, the objectives of the present study were: (1) to list the bat species of ilha da marambaia; (2) to compare richness, abundance and biomass of bat guilds found there; (3) to analyse abundance patterns of bat species; and (4) to compare richness, abundance and composition of the bat fauna among different kinds of environment. to capture bats we used mist nets set in five different environments, totalis ...201020730337
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