
role of opportunistic fungi in ocular infections in nigeria.the importance of opportunistic fungal pathogens in causing ocular infections is emphasized. a study was conducted over a period of 4 years (1974--1977) to investigate the role of opportunistic fungi in causing mycotic keratitis and to elucidate certain aspects of epidemiology of this disease in nigeria. fifty-nine cases of corneal ulcers of suspected mycotic etiology were investigated. fungal etiology was confirmed in 42 of these cases. the predominant etiological agent was fusarium solani in 1 ...1978745623
effects of sodium chloride and relative humidity on growth and sporulation of moulds isolated from cured fish.a total of 14 moulds were isolated from 84 samples of cured fish obtained from several processing centres and retail shops in lagos, ogun and oyo states, nigeria. aspergillus niger, a. flavus and a. chevalieri were the most prevalent. with the exception of basipetospora sp., slight inhibition of mycelial growth and/or sporulation was recorded when isolates were cultured in basal medium containing 5% sodium chloride. the extent of inhibition increased with increasing salt concentrations, and at 2 ...19948028651
pollution status of swimming pools in south-south zone of south-eastern nigeria using microbiological and physicochemical indices.microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of swimming pools in south eastern states of nigeria (akwa ibom and cross river) were investigated. the bacterial isolates included enterococcus faecalis, clostridium perfringens, bacillus cereus and escherichia coli. others were pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus, proteus vulgaris and staphylococcus epidermidis, while fungal isolates were penicillium sp, rhizopus sp, aspergillus versicolor fusarium sp, trichophyton mentagrophytes, m ...200415691161
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