
microbial diversity during maturation and natural processing of coffee cherries of coffea arabica in brazil.the magnitude and diversity of the microbial population associated with dry (natural) processing of coffee (coffea arabica) has been assessed during a 2-year period on 15 different farms in the sul de minas region of brazil. peptone water-washed samples were taken of maturing cherries on trees (cherries, raisins and dried cherries) and from ground fermentations. the microbial load varied from 3 x 10(4) to 2.2 x 10(9) cfu/cherry with a median value of 1.6 x 10(7) cfu/cherry. the microbial load in ...200011016614
[coccus species affecting coffea arabica in brazil (coccoideae: coccidae) and the redescription of two species].five coccus on coffea arabica from the states of bahia, espírito santo and minas gerais were studied. females were prepared and mounted in canada balsam. coccus brasiliensis fonseca and coccus lizeri (fonseca) were redescribed and coccus alpinus de lotto, coccus celatus de lotto and coccus viridis (green) were characterized. a key to species and illustration of all of them are included. coccus alpinus and c. celatus are new records for brazil and the neotropical region.201020676513
isolation of a paracoccidioides brasiliensis strain from the soil of a coffee plantation in ibiá, state of minas gerais, brazil.paracoccidioides brasiliensis has rarely been isolated from its habitat in rural areas. in order to investigate the hypothesis that human infection with this fungus is linked to coffee plantations (coffea arabica), material was collected monthly over a period of 1 year from farms in the town of ibiá, state of minas gerais, brazil. a total of 760 samples of soil, coffee leaves and fruits was cultured and inoculated into mice. a fungus isolated from the liver of a mouse inoculated with soil showed ...19989776810
discrimination of the sensory quality of the coffea arabica l. (cv. yellow bourbon) produced in different altitudes using decision trees obtained by the chaid method.knowledge of the sensory profile of coffee quality, associated with genetic and environmental factors, is of utmost importance for the international market, as well as for the productive sector. in this context, the goal of this study was to classify the quality of coffea arabica l., cv. yellow bourbon, according to different scores obtained through sensory evaluations based on the specialty coffee association of america protocol (scaa), and by means of decision trees resulting from applying the ...201626592362
ochratoxigenic fungi associated with green coffee beans (coffea arabica l.) in conventional and organic cultivation in brazil.the genera aspergillus comprises species that produce mycotoxins such as aflatoxins, ochratoxins and patulin. these are cosmopolitan species, natural contaminants of agricultural products. in coffee grains, the most important aspergillus species in terms of the risk of presenting mycotoxins belong to the genera aspergillus section circumdati and section nigri. the purpose of this study was to assess the occurrence of isolated ochratoxigenic fungi of coffee grains from organic and conventional cu ...201324294225
mapping the potential beverage quality of coffee produced in the zona da mata, minas gerais, brazil.detailed knowledge of coffee production systems enables optimization of crop management, harvesting and post-harvest techniques. in this study, coffee quality is mapped as a function of coffee variety, altitude and terrain aspect attributes. the work was performed in the zona da mata, minas gerais, brazil.201626439192
microbiological diversity associated with the spontaneous wet method of coffee fermentation.the evaluation of the microbiota present during coffee wet fermentation was done in two distinct regions of minas gerais, brazil: one farm in the south of minas gerais (lavras=l) and another farm in the savannah region (monte carmelo=mc). the yeast population ranged from 2.48 to 4.92 log cfu/g and from 2 to 4.81 log cfu/g, the mesophilic bacteria population ranged from 3.83 to 8.47 log cfu/g and from 5.37 to 7.36 log cfu/g, and the lab population ranged from 2.57 to 5.66 log cfu/g and from 3.40 ...201526119187
scale insects (hemiptera: coccoidea) associated with arabica coffee and geographical distribution in the neotropical is one of the most important brazilian agricultural commodities exported, and minas gerais and espírito santo states are the main coffee producers. scale insects are important coffee pests, and 73 species of cerococcidae (3), coccidae (18), diaspididae (6), eriococcidae (1), ortheziidae (3), pseudococcidae (21), putoidae (2) and rhizoecidae (19) have been associated with roots, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits of arabica coffee in the neotropics. eight species were found associated wi ...201829236860
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