
[the isolation of tick-borne encephalitis virus strains and the determination of the scope of immune stratification among the population and the domestic animals on the northern russian plain].between 1986 and 1987 the authors conducted virological survey of 689 ixodes persulcatus and 420 mouse-like and insectivorous rodents at the territory of arkhangelsk province and the republic of komi. a total of 8 strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus were isolated. out of them 3 strains were isolated from small mammalians (2 from clethrionomys glareolus, 1 from microtus oeconomus) at the southeastern areas of arkhangelsk province within the middle taiga subarea, 5 strains were isolated from ...19902145500
[biochemical changes in the brain of the root vole (microtus oeconomus) from a 30-kilometer zone around the chernobyl atomic electric power station].deviations in lipid peroxidation parameters and in activity of dehydration enzymes in the brain of the tundra voles inhabiting areas with higher level of technogenic contamination (the 30-km zone of the chernobyl npp and the republic of komi) have been analyzed. during the first years after the disaster a decrease in the lipid antioxidative status of the brain and dehydrogenase activity, changes in the lipid composition of voles trapped in the disaster zone in comparison with control ones were m ...19969005669
[the phospholipid composition of the liver in root voles living under different radioecological conditions].the effect of the increased natural radiation background (within some areas in komi republic) and man-caused radioactive contamination in the chernobyl npp accident zone on the composition of liver phospholipids in microtus oeconomus inhabiting these areas was studied. the significant changes in the liver lipid composition in rodents inhabiting both the chernobyl accident zone and the areas with the increased natural radiation background were found. the maximal changes in the liver phospholipid ...200010907414
[function of the thyroid gland of tundra voles living on sites with the increased natural radioactivity].we studied a functional condition of the thyroid gland of tundra voles living on sites with the increased level of a natural radioactivity (in republic komi areas in russia). we have revealed that the functional condition of the thyroid gland depends on the phase of the population cycle of animals. the level of thyroid hormones in the irradiated animals differed from the norm; a high concentration of hormones in the irradiated animals was observed in the phase of the maximum number of animals, w ...201624450213
[complex estimation of thyroid gland state in tundra voles, inhabiting the natural radioactive polluted sites].behow is presented the complex state of thyroid gland of tundra voles living in high level natural radioactivity conditions (ukhta region of komi republic) by morphological and functional criteria. high sensitivity of thyroid gland under natural chronic irradiation of whole organism is noticed. the essential changes in the morphological structure and in the hormone level of the thyroid gland are found in animals, which live for a long time in the conditions of the radioactive pollution. it is de ...201616080630
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