
olive oil qualitative parameters after orchard irrigation with saline water.the effect of irrigation with saline water on oil quality was studied in the two olive ( olea europaea l.) cultivars koroneiki and mastoidis, which are the main varieties grown extensively on the island of crete. plants (5 years old) were grown outdoors in containers, filled with freely drained light soil. four treatments were applied, differing in the nacl added to the irrigation water as follows: 0 (control) 50, 100, and 150 mm nacl. drip irrigation was applied regularly, during the dry season ...200919173601
"towards an even healthier mediterranean diet".dietary guidelines to promote good health are usually based on foods, nutrients, and dietary patterns predictive of chronic disease risk in epidemiologic studies. however, sound nutritional recommendations for cardiovascular prevention should be based on the results of large randomized clinical trials with "hard" end-points as the main outcome. such evidence has been obtained for the mediterranean diet from the predimed (prevención con dieta mediterránea) trial and the lyon heart study. the trad ...024263037
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