
[study on the genotyping of human papillomavirus using a new dna liquid chip in women of high-risk group of shandong province].to evaluate the diagnostic applicability of human papillomavirus (hpv) liquid chip assay which is based on luminex xmap system, and perform a hpv epidemiologic study with the liquid chip in women of shandong province.200717877181
human papillomavirus in high- and low-risk areas of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma in examine the potential roles of human papillomavirus (hpv) in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (escc) development, we examined the presence of hpv dna in paraffin-embedded escc tissues collected from two areas with different escc incidence rates in china, that is, gansu (n=26) and shandong (n=33), using pcr with spf10 primers, or pcr with gp5+/gp6+ primers combined with southern blot hybridisation. hpv genotype was determined by the inno-lipa hpv genotyping kit. hpv dna was detected in 17 c ...200717453003
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