
mercury risk to avian piscivores across western united states and canada.the widespread distribution of mercury (hg) threatens wildlife health, particularly piscivorous birds. western north america is a diverse region that provides critical habitat to many piscivorous bird species, and also has a well-documented history of mercury contamination from legacy mining and atmospheric deposition. the diversity of landscapes in the west limits the distribution of avian piscivore species, complicating broad comparisons across the region. mercury risk to avian piscivores was ...201626996522
haematosiphon inodorus (hemiptera: cimicidae) in a nest of a bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) in arizona. 19863951049
bald eagle nestling mortality associated with argas radiatus and argas ricei tick infestation and successful management with nest removal in arizona, usa.eight bald eagle ( haliaeetus leucocephalus ) nestlings heavily infested with larval ticks were found in or under a nest near the confluence of the verde and salt rivers in arizona in 2009-11. the 8-12-wk-old nestlings were slow to respond to stimuli and exhibited generalized muscle weakness or paresis of the pelvic limbs. numerous cutaneous and subcutaneous hemorrhages were associated with sites of tick attachment. ticks were identified as argas radiatus and argas ricei. treatment with acaricid ...201627479902
clinal genetic variation at enzyme loci in bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) from the western united states.five polymorphic enzyme loci of about 50 sampled were discovered in blood extracts of bald eagles from alaska, washington, oregon, and arizona, representing the first biochemical genetic variation described for the species. all five loci exhibited trends of north-to-south clinal geographic variation in gene frequencies. gene frequencies at three loci culminated in fixation in the arizona population, which consists of 12 known breeding pairs. the arizona birds were maximally heterozygous at the o ...19854015622
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