
production of the mycotoxins fusaproliferin and beauvericin by south african isolates in the fusarium section liseola.the production of fusaproliferin (fus), a recently described mycotoxin, and beauvericin (bea), a mycotoxin recently reported to co-occur with fus in fusarium-infected corn, by south african isolates in the fusarium section liseola, was investigated. five isolates each of f. verticillioides, f. proliferatum, f. subglutinans, and f. globosum were cultured on corn kernels. four each of the five south african isolates of f. proliferatum and f. subglutinans produced fus (10-1725 and 330-2630 mg/kg, r ...199910606581
evaluation of human urine as a source of nutrients for selected vegetables and maize under tunnel house conditions in the eastern cape, south africa.the introduction of ecological sanitation (ecosan) toilets in south africa has created opportunities for safer sanitation and recycling of human excreta, as fertilizers, in rural and peri-urban areas. a study was carried out to evaluate the fertilizer value of human urine (0 to 400 kg n ha(-1)) for maize and tomato, compared to urea, in a tunnel house. dry matter yield of both maize and tomato, harvested at 9 and 10 weeks after planting, respectively, increased with increasing n rate (both as ur ...200818578152
sphingoid base levels in humans consuming fumonisin-contaminated maize in rural areas of the former transkei, south africa: a cross-sectional study.high incidences of oesophageal cancer are associated with the consumption of subsistence-grown maize by rural populations in the former transkei region of eastern cape province, south africa. this cross-sectional study was conducted in the north-eastern magisterial area of bizana (a previously low oesophageal cancer incidence area) and the south-eastern area of centane (a previously high incidence area). plasma and urine samples of male and female participants were analysed for the sphingoid bas ...200819680846
a survey of plants responsible for causing irritant contact dermatitis in the amathole district, eastern cape, south africa.potentially harmful plants grow almost everywhere, hence, it is not practical to eradicate them all. however, a basic understanding of adverse cutaneous reactions and the common plants that cause each type can enable vulnerable individuals to discover the source of their dermatitis and thus prevent re-exposure. the aim of this study therefore, was to document the plants responsible for irritant contact dermatitis (icd) in the eastern cape, along with their respective irritants and clinical prese ...201425311272
exposure assessment for fumonisins in the former transkei region of south africa.the fumonisins are mycotoxins produced mainly by fusarium verticillioides and f. proliferatum in maize, the predominant cereal staple for subsistence farming communities in southern africa. in order to assess exposure to these mycotoxins in the bizana (now known as mbizana) and centane magisterial areas of the former transkei region of the eastern cape province of south africa, the actual maize consumption by different age groups in these communities was measured. in the groups 1-9 years (n = 21 ...200717487603
nutrient availability and maize growth in a soil amended with earthworm casts from a south african indigenous species.the study was undertaken to assess the availability to maize of nutrients from earthworm casts (wormcasts) collected from a grazing paddock in the eastern cape province of south africa. maize (cv pan 473) was grown in pots filled with ground wormcasts, non-casted surrounding soil and a mixture of the two media. fertiliser application increased growth and uptake of nutrients by maize grown on both wormcast and non-casted soil. maize grown on wormcasts had significantly (p < 0.05) higher plant hei ...200212139338
dietary fumonisin exposure in a rural population of south africa.a validated culturally specific dietary assessment method was used to determine the habitual maize intakes of black xhosa-speaking africans living in the centane region of the eastern cape province to assess their exposure to the carcinogenic fumonisin mycotoxins. the mean total dry weight maize intakes of home-grown, commercial or combined (both maize sources) were 474, 344, 462 g day(-1), respectively. when considering the total mean levels of fumonisin in home-grown maize (1142 microg kg(-1)) ...201020488220
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