
progenesis in proctoeces lintoni (fellodistomidae), a parasite of fissurella crassa (archaeogastropoda) in a latitudinal gradient in the pacific coast of south america.the fellodistomid proctoeces lintoni is a common parasite of the gonads of key-hole limpets fissurella spp. (archaeogastropoda). it has also been found in the mantle of octopus vulgaris and as an intestinal parasite of haemulid and gobiesocid fishes. fissurella crassa, a host for progenetic p. lintoni, can be found from huarmey, peni (10 degrees s) to chiloé, chile (42 degrees s). proctoeces lintoni has been found parasitizing fishes and molluscs from callao, peni (12 degrees s) to valdivia, chi ...200010958454
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