
diet of eared doves (zenaida auriculata, aves, columbidae) in a sugar-cane colony in south-eastern in the paranapanema valley (são paulo, brazil) have reported problems with flocks of eared doves (zenaida auriculata) eating sprouting soybeans. in this region these birds breed colonially in sugar-cane, and eat four crop seeds, using 70% of the dry weight, in the following order of importance: maize, wheat, rice, and soybeans. three weeds (euphorbia heterophylla, brachiaria plantaginea, and commelina benghalensis) were important. this information suggests that the doves adapted particul ...200112071322
[mites (acari) from rubber trees (hevea brasiliensis muell. arg., euphorbiaceae) and spontaneous euphorbiaceous in rubber trees cultivation].quarterly samples were done in 2001 on three rubber tree plantation in the northwest of the state of são paulo. three rubber trees of each locality were sampled. between the rows of rubber tree four species of spontaneous euphorbiaceous were collected: chamaesyce hirta, c. hyssopifolia, euphorbia heterophylla and phyllanthus tenellus. a total of 8.954 mites of 38 species, belonging to 31 genera of 11 families were collected. tydeidae and phytoseiidae had the highest diversity of species, 9 and 7 ...200818813750
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