
influenza exposure in united states feral swine populations.swine play an important role in the disease ecology of influenza. having cellular receptors in common with birds and humans, swine provide opportunities for mixed infections and potential for genetic reassortment between avian, human, and porcine influenza. feral swine populations are rapidly expanding in both numbers and range and are increasingly coming into contact with waterfowl, humans, and agricultural operations. in this study, over 875 feral swine were sampled from six states across the ...200818436668
prevention and control of influenza: recommendations of the advisory committee on immunization practices (acip), 2008.this report updates the 2007 recommendations by cdc's advisory committee on immunization practices (acip) regarding the use of influenza vaccine and antiviral agents (cdc. prevention and control of influenza: recommendations of the advisory committee on immunization practices [acip]. mmwr 2007;56[no. rr-6]). the 2008 recommendations include new and updated information. principal updates and changes include 1) a new recommendation that annual vaccination be administered to all children aged 5--18 ...200818685555
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