
further studies of the antigenic properties of h3n2 strains of influenza a isolated from swine in south east asia.h3n2 strains of influenza a isolated from swine in hong kong were compared with human strains of h3n2 influenza a variants in reciprocal hi tests using ferret sera. one isolate from swine was indistinguishable from a/hong kong/68, one set of viruses isolated in 1976 and 1977 was most related to a/hong kong/68 but was not identical to it, two isolates from 1976 were 'bridging strains' that cross-reacted equally with the contemporary variants a/victoria/3/75 and a/texas/1/77, similarly to a small ...197991663
monoclonal antibodies for characterizing h3n2 influenza viruses that persist in pigs in china. 19872433358
determination of the number of nonoverlapping antigenic areas on hong kong (h3n2) influenza virus hemagglutinin with monoclonal antibodies and the selection of variants with potential epidemiological significance. 19806156537
genetic analysis of porcine h3n2 viruses originating in southern china.from immunological and phylogenetic analyses of h3 influenza viruses isolated from pigs and ducks in the people's republic of china (china), hong kong, taiwan and japan, between 1968 and 1982, we arrived at the following conclusions. the h3 haemagglutinin and n2 neuraminidase genes from swine isolates can be segregated into four mammalian lineages, including: (i) the earliest human strains; (ii) early swine strains including hong kong isolates from 1976-1977; (iii) an intermediate strain between ...19957897351
location on the evolutionary trees of the non-structural protein (ns) and neuraminidase (na) genes of late human influenza a (h2n2) viruses: parental viruses of the ns and na genes of hong kong influenza a (h3n2) viruses.the nucleotide sequences of the non-structural protein (ns) and neuraminidase (na) genes of human influenza a (h2n2) viruses isolated in 1967 and 1968 in europe, asia and north and south america were located on evolutionary trees in order to identify the parental virus of hong kong influenza a (h3n2) viruses, which appeared in the human population in 1968. from the evolutionary trees, the h2n2 viruses isolated during the 1967 to 1968 period were divided into two groups. group i includes that a/t ...19938345357
a simple restriction fragment length polymorphism-based strategy that can distinguish the internal genes of human h1n1, h3n2, and h5n1 influenza a viruses.a simple molecular technique for rapid genotyping was developed to monitor the internal gene composition of currently circulating influenza a viruses. sequence information from recent h1n1, h3n2, and h5n1 human virus isolates was used to identify conserved regions within each internal gene, and gene-specific pcr primers capable of amplifying all three virus subtypes were designed. subtyping was based on subtype-specific restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) patterns within the amplifie ...200010878047
infection of a child in hong kong by an influenza a h3n2 virus closely related to viruses circulating in european pigs.influenza virus a/hong kong/1774/99, isolated from a young child with mild influenza, was shown to be similar in its antigenic and genetic characteristics to h3n2 viruses circulating in pigs in europe during the 1990s and in particular to be closely related to viruses isolated from two children in the netherlands in 1993. similar viruses had previously not been identified outside europe. although there is little evidence as to how the child contracted the infection, it appears likely that pigs i ...200111369884
[the offspring of influenza a (h3n2) in finland--30 years of catching and following]. 200012053342
immune response to influenza vaccination in community-dwelling chinese elderly persons.we investigated the immune antibody response to influenza vaccine in community-dwelling chinese elderly persons in hong kong. one hundred and twenty-eight subjects were recruited in a single-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled trial. there was no significant baseline difference between the vaccine and placebo groups regarding the seroprotection rates (pr) (haemagglutination inhibition [hi] titre>or=1:40) and geometric mean titres (gmt) of the hi antibody titers. the pr, gmts and serologica ...200616713661
influenza. 200616858909
tropism of avian influenza a (h5n1) in the upper and lower respiratory tract.poor human-to-human transmission of influenza a h5n1 virus has been attributed to the paucity of putative sialic acid alpha2-3 virus receptors in the epithelium of the human upper respiratory tract, and thus to the presumed inability of the virus to replicate efficiently at this site. we now demonstrate that ex vivo cultures of human nasopharyngeal, adenoid and tonsillar tissues can be infected with h5n1 viruses in spite of an apparent lack of these receptors.200717206149
an exploratory method for estimating the changing speed of epidemic waves from historical data.historical data are necessary to establish long-term trends in disease incidence but pose analytical problems since their accuracy and reliability may be poorly specified.200818056121
emergence of adamantane-resistant influenza a(h3n2) viruses in hong kong between 1997 and 2006.resistance to adamantanes for treating influenza a(h3n2) has increased dramatically, worldwide, over the past 5 years. a comprehensive 10-year data set on the rise of adamantane-resistance in hong kong is reported. nucleotide sequences encoding the m2-ion channel of influenza a(h3n2) were obtained from 281 h3n2 isolates collected from adamantane-naive children admitted to a teaching hospital in hong kong, between 1997 and 2006. these sequences were screened for the presence of recognized adamant ...200818360910
seasonality of influenza a(h3n2) virus: a hong kong perspective (1997-2006).the underlying basis for the seasonality of influenza a viruses is still uncertain. phylogenetic studies investigated this phenomenon but have lacked sequences from more subtropical and tropical regions, particularly from southeast asia.200818648550
media reporting of the emergence of the 1968 influenza pandemic in hong kong: implications for modern-day situational awareness.we investigated local media reporting during the emergence of influenza a/hong kong/68 in hong kong to understand how indolent social awareness contributed to delays in warning of the pandemic.200919440155
virologically confirmed population-based burden of hospitalization caused by influenza a and b among children in hong kong.we sought to determine the virologically confirmed hospitalization rates associated with influenza virus infection among hong kong children.200919722912
[review on the etiological property of 1968 hong kong flu virus (h3n2)]. 200920361594
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