
comparison of two sampling methods for domestic populations of triatoma infestans in north-west mud-and-thatch houses of santiago del estero province, north-west argentina, where no insecticides had been sprayed officially to control domestic infestations of the chagas disease vector triatoma infestans (klug) (hemiptera: reduviidae), two knockdown (kd) insecticidal collection procedures were compared with the standard flush-out (fo) method for sampling t. infestans. bugs were collected by fo using 0.2% tetramethrin in bedrooms of (1) 41 houses of amamá village employing 1 man-hour of ca ...19937690269
chagas disease in north-west argentina: association between trypanosoma cruzi parasitaemia in dogs and cats and infection rates in domestic triatoma infestans.the association between trypanosoma cruzi parasitaemia in dogs and cats and tryp. cruzi infection rates in domestic triatoma infestans was studied in a cross-sectional survey of 31 houses (89%) in the rural villages of trinidad and mercedes, north-west argentina, where no spraying of insecticides had ever been done. similar prevalence rates of parasitaemia, determined by xenodiagnosis, were recorded among 68 dogs (41.2%) and 28 cats (39.3%). bug infection rates were significantly associated with ...19938465382
[domestic infestation by triatoma infestans and prevalence of trypanosoma cruzi seropositives in a rural area of the argentinian northeast].an epidemiological study was carried out from april 1991 to december 1993 to obtain a general view of t. cruzi domestic transmission in rural areas of san miguei department, corrientes. from 100 analyzed households, 50.0% was infested by t infestans (klug, 1834) and 1.0% by t. sordida (stal, 1859). domiciliary colonization by t. sordida is reported for first time in corrientes province. t. cruzi infection of t. infestans was 23.1%. indirect hemagglutination and indirect immunofluorescence antibo ...19969011879
evaluation of dogs as sentinels of the transmission of trypanosoma cruzi in a rural area of north-western argentina.dogs, the main domestic reservoirs of trypanosoma cruzi in the argentine chaco, may be useful as sentinels of vector-mediated transmission of trypanosoma cruzi in control programmes if canine infections acquired by all other routes could be excluded. in the present study, in the province of santiago del estero, argentina, the dog populations in the neighbouring villages of amamá, trinidad, mercedes, villa matilde and pampa pozo were studied immediately before spraying of residual insecticides (i ...19989924546
[contribution to knowledge of reservoirs of trypanosoma cruzi (chagas, 1909) in corrientes province, argentina].in order to identify trypanosoma cruzi reservoirs in transmission areas, 60 mammals in capital and san luis del palmar departments, corrientes, argentina were studied. primates, rodents, carnivores, marsupials and edentates were investigated, 40 of them living in captivity and 20 caught with traps in a rural area. the mammals were examined by xenodiagnosis and third or fourth instars nymphs of triatoma infestans starved for 2 weeks were used. the feces were microscopically observed (400x) for tr ...199910380566
[detection of triatomines (hemiptera: reduviidae) in domiciliary and extra-domiciliary ecotopes. corrientes, argentina. ].in order to identify intra- and extra-domiciliary triatomines, a study in different counties of corrientes province, argentina, was conducted from 1985 to 1995. triatoma infestans (klug, 1834), triatoma sordida (stål, 1859), panstrongylus geniculatus (latreille, 1811), and panstrongylus megistus (burmeister, 1835) were detected in domestic ecotopes. t. infestans and t. sordida were also found in the peridomicile. triatoma platensis (neiva, 1913), psammolestes coreodes (bergroth, 1911), t. sordid ...200111514865
triatomines involved in domestic and wild trypanosoma cruzi transmission in concepción, corrientes, entomological and serological survey was performed in three localities of the department of concepción, province of corrientes, argentina in 1998 and 1999, to identify triatomines species involved in domestic and wild transmission of chagas disease. triatomines were collected by man/hour capture in 32 houses randomly selected and 44 nearby outdoor ecotopes. trypanosoma cruzi infection in triatomines was assessed by direct microscopic observation (400x) of feces and polymerase chain reaction. ...200211992145
effects of partial housing improvement and insecticide spraying on the reinfestation dynamics of triatoma infestans in rural northwestern argentina.the long-term effects on domiciliary reinfestation by triatoma infestans of smoothing the plaster of indoor walls prior to insecticide application (in amamá village) relative to only insecticide application (in trinidad-mercedes villages) were evaluated in rural northwestern argentina from 1992 to 1997. all domestic and peridomestic areas of each house were sprayed with 2.5% suspension concentrate deltamethrin at 25 mg/m(2) in october 1992, and infestations were assessed by various methods every ...200212429427
[chagas' disease epidemiology in the province of general paz, argentina].the aim of this study was to evaluate triatomine colonization in domestic and peridomestic ecotopes and to assess the seroprevalence of chagas' disease in rural areas.200312488921
[epidemiology of chagas disease in san roque, corrientes. triatomine infestation and human seroprevalence].this investigation was aimed to evaluate triatomine colonization in domestic and extradomestic ecotopes located around a palm community, to determine triatomines infection index and to obtain human seroprevalence rates. samplings were performed in spring 1998 and summer 1999 in colonia laurel, department san roque, corrientes, argentina. timed-collection of triatomines (man/hour method) was performed. trypanosoma cruzi identity was determined by morphological criteria and by pcr. indirect hemagg ...200516075800
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