
the effect of plastering in a house persistently infested with triatoma infestans (klug) 1934.the replastering of a house in mambai-goias, brazil, as a measure to wall-in triatoma infestans, is briefly described. unfortunately, because the houseowner would not cooperate the roof tiles were not improved and eventually t. infestans reappeared at this site. a brief discussion follows of some aspects of house improvement in the vigilance phase of a chagas disease control programme. t. infestans appeared in the house described 51 and 258 days after the replastering.19921460702
control of the transmission of chagas' disease in mambai, goias, brazil (1980-1988).the results of entomologic surveillance conducted after chagas' disease control in mambai, goias, brazil are reported for the years 1985-1988, including a summary of results from 1980 to 1988. a progressive decrease in the incidence of triatoma infestans in houses reached zero in 1988. the threat of secondary vector colonization and the continued need for vigilance are discussed.19921575291
[domestic ecology of triatoma infestans in mambaí, goiás-brazil]. 19826763760
the control of triatoma infestans in mambaí, goiás-brasil. 19947948935
[general situation and perspectives of chagas disease in northeastern region, brazil].primary and secondary data show the importance and distribution of human chagas disease (hcd) in northeast brazil. among the 27 detected vector species, triatoma infestans, panstrongylus megistus, triatoma brasiliensis and triatoma pseudomaculata are epidemiologically important. major medical impact is attributed to t. infestans and p. megistus, the most domiciliated and vulnerable species, while the other two are native and more difficult to control. regional differences in transmission and med ...200011119317
evaluation of the impact of chemical control measures and entomological surveillance on chagas' disease in the counties of mambaí and buritinópolis, goiás state, brazil.epidemiological surveillance activities were implemented in 1980 in mambaí and buritinópolis counties, goiás state. twenty years later the authors evaluated the impact of these vector control measures on chagas' disease transmission, based on entomological indicators. entomological investigation was conducted using the man-hour technique and covering all domiciles. in order to study vector food sources the stomach contents of triatomines were analyzed using the modified precipitins technique. tr ...200111813062
record of evlachovaea sp. (hyphomycetes) on triatoma sordida in the state of goiás, brazil, and its activity against triatoma infestans (reduviidae, triatominae).a fungal isolate was detected on a dead triatoma sordida (stål) collected in a peridomestic area in central brazil. the fungus belongs to evlachovaea borisov and tarasov, a new genus that was recently described in russia. the isolate seems to be a third species and the second new and undescribed species from brazil. the fungus was shown to be active against triatoma infestans (klug) third-instar nymphs at a humidity close to saturation. however, activity was reduced at a lower humidity (75%). va ...200314680110
[geographical distribution and indicators entomologic of sinantropic triatomines captured in the state of goiás].the geographic distribution of triatomines in goiás and entomological indicators in the home environment are presented: home infestation, home triatomine density and vector infection by trypanosoma cruzi. the indicators studied were from triatomines captured inside and outside homes in 201 municipalities in the state of goiás, brazil, between 2000 and 2003. a total of 249,868 home units were investigated and 51,570 triatomines were captured, and 335 specimens were found to be infected with trypa ...200717568889
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