
spatio-temporal distribution of tsetse and other biting flies in the mouhoun river basin, burkina the mouhoun river basin, burkina faso, the main vectors of african animal trypanosomoses are glossina palpalis gambiensis vanderplank and glossina tachinoides westwood (diptera: glossinidae), both of which are riverine tsetse species. the aim of our study was to understand the impact of landscape anthropogenic changes on the seasonal dynamics of vectors and associated trypanosomosis risk. three sites were selected on the basis of the level of disturbance of tsetse habitats and predominant tse ...201021198714
population structuring of the tsetse glossina tachinoides resulting from landscape fragmentation in the mouhoun river basin, burkina faso.the impact of landscape fragmentation resulting from human- and climate-mediated factors on the structure of a population of glossina tachinoides westwood (diptera: glossinidae) in the mouhoun river basin, burkina faso, was investigated. allele frequencies at five microsatellite loci were compared in four populations. the average distance between samples was 72 km. the sampling points traversed an ecological cline in terms of rainfall and riverine forest ecotype, along a river loop that enlarged ...201020141594
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