
current status of the lyme borreliosis vector, ixodes dammini, in manitoba. 19911843655
lyme disease vector, ixodes dammini, identified in manitoba. 19892791076
migratory songbirds disperse ticks across canada, and first isolation of the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi, from the avian tick, ixodes auritulus.during a 3-yr comprehensive study, 196 ixodid ticks (9 species) were collected from 89 passerine birds (32 species) from 25 localities across canada to determine the distribution of avian-associated tick species and endogenous lyme disease spirochetes, borrelia burgdorferi johnson, schmid, hyde, steigerwalt, and brenner. we report the following first records of tick parasitism on avian hosts: the rabbit-associated tick, ixodes dentatus marx, from manitoba and ontario; the mouse tick, ixodes muri ...200517089744
genetic diversity in ixodes scapularis (acari: ixodidae) from six established populations in canada.although ixodes scapularis is the most important vector of borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, the causative agent of lyme disease in north america, little is known of the genetic diversity in this tick species within the recently established populations in canada. in the present study, 153 i. scapularis adults collected from southern canada were compared genetically using single-strand conformation polymorphism (sscp) analyses in combination with dna sequencing of the mitochondrial 16s rrna gen ...201121890067
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