
estimated varicella incidence on the basis of a seroprevalence survey.varicella is a disease caused by varicella-zoster virus. it is transmitted via the respiratory route, is highly communicable and mainly affects young children. an effective vaccine is now available, whose routine use is advised by health authorities in the usa and which can prevent severe disease, although breakthrough infections do occur. in deciding whether or not to include a vaccine in the routine vaccination schedule, knowledge of the morbidity of the disease in question is fundamental. alt ...200111811884
critical prevalence of antibodies minimizing vaccination costs for hepatitis a, hepatitis b, varicella, measles and tetanus in adults and adolescents in catalonia, spain.the prevalence of seropositive individuals that makes costs of vaccinating all individuals equal to that for screening and vaccination of susceptible individuals is defined as the critical prevalence of antibodies (p*). screening and vaccination is more efficient when the prevalence of seropositive individuals (p) in the population is higher than p*. in this study, the formula to obtain p* was derived from the cost-effectiveness equations, showing that it depends on screening and vaccination cos ...200415364450
prevalence of varicella-zoster antibodies in pregnant women in catalonia (spain). rationale for varicella vaccination of women of childbearing age.the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies against varicella-zoster virus (vzv) in pregnant women in catalonia (spain).200717666097
herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in catalonia (spain).the objective of the study was to analyze the descriptive epidemiology and costs of herpes zoster (hz) and postherpetic neuralgia (phn) in people aged ≥50 years in catalonia (spain). the incidence of hz in catalonia was estimated by extrapolating the incidence data from navarre (spain) to the population of catalonia. the incidence of phn was estimated according to the proportion of cases of hz in the case series of the hospital del sagrado corazón de barcelona that evolved to phn. drug costs wer ...201525483532
seroepidemiology of varicella-zoster virus infection in catalonia (spain). rationale for universal vaccination programmes.with the aim of designing a strategy for vaccination against varicella-zoster virus (vzv), the results of a seroepidemiological survey on vzv infection carried out in a sample of the population of catalonia are presented. representative samples from schoolchildren (30 schools) and adults (97 municipal areas) were obtained by random cluster sampling. in the study, 883 children and 1253 adults were included. age, gender, place of birth, place of residence, educational level and occupation were inv ...200010930671
varicella-zoster virus immunity among health care workers in determine varicella-zoster virus (vzv) immunity among healthcare workers (hcws). cross-sectional study.201425219564
biogeographical origin and varicella risk in the adult immigration population in catalonia, spain (2004-2006).immigrants to the european union may have a higher susceptibility to varicella-zoster virus primo-infection than the indigenous population. there is no evidence as yet that this is caused by genetic or social factors. therefore, susceptibility could be due to a lesser transmission of the virus in their ecosystems of origin. a multicentre observational study was performed from july 2004 to june 2006 in four primary healthcare centres in catalonia, spain, monitoring varicella incidences and compar ...200919761736
seroprevalence of varicella zoster virus infection in child and adult population of catalonia (spain).the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of varicella igg antibodies in the population of catalonia, and the variables associated. the study was carried out in 2002 in a representative sample of juvenile (5-14 years) and adult population (> or =15 years) of catalonia (spain). the global prevalence determined by elisa test was 95.5% (95% ci 94.7-96.3). the prevalence increased with age, from 82% (95% ci 77.0-87.0) in the 5-9 years age up to 99.4% (95% ci 98.2-100) in >64 years of age ...200818004592
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