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influence of the news media on diagnostic testing in the emergency examine the association between mass media attention regarding invasive group a streptococcal (gas) disease and testing for gas in a pediatric emergency department (ed).200312622675
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broad and persistent effects of benzathine penicillin g in the prevention of febrile, acute respiratory disease.after an outbreak of acute rheumatic fever at a us army training installation, a benzathine penicillin g prophylaxis program was instituted. surveillance data were analyzed to measure rates of febrile, acute respiratory disease (ard) among trainees before and after prophylaxis was begun. annual admissions for ard decreased from 1927 to 690 (-64.2%) after benzathine penicillin g prophylaxis was begun. admissions with throat cultures positive for streptococcus pyogenes fell from 595 to 63 (-89.4%) ...19921634808
acute rheumatic fever among army trainees--fort leonard wood, missouri, 1987-1988. 19883136309
suppurative group a beta-hemolytic streptococcal infections in a beta-hemolytic streptococci (gabhs) have once again become an important cause of serious suppurative disease in children. a 100% increase in the rate of gabhs bacteremia and an increased frequency in gabhs bacteremia in previously healthy children were observed in 1989 through 1990 compared with 1984 to 1988. streptococcal isolates were characterized and patient demographic data were tabulated from children hospitalized with gabhs suppurative infections in 1989 through 1990. the differen ...19921557272
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