epidemiology of haemophilus influenzae type b disease in australia and new zealand. | the epidemiology of infection due to haemophilus influenzae type b (hib) varies in different groups of australian and new zealand children. in most populations the annual case attack rate is approximately 40-60 per 100,000 children under 5 years of age and epiglottitis accounts for a relatively high but variable proportion of cases, which partly depends on case definition. overall, nearly 50% of cases occur in children over 2 years of age. among aboriginal children in the northern territory, the ... | 1991 | 1891950 |
the epidemiology of invasive haemophilus influenzae infections in children under five years of age in the northern territory: a three-year study. | | 1990 | 2288571 |
outer-membrane protein and immunoblot analysis of australian isolates of haemophilus influenzae. | strains of haemophilus influenzae isolated from children in south australia and the northern territory with systemic infections (mostly meningitis or epiglottitis) were subjected to serotyping, biotyping, outer-membrane protein (omp) analysis and immunoblot subtyping. all 65 isolates examined were from blood or cerebrospinal fluid; 59 (91%) of the strains were identified as type b and the remainder as either type a (two strains) or non-typable (four strains). of the 59 type b strains, 45 (76%) b ... | 1993 | 8487295 |
carriage of multiple ribotypes of non-encapsulated haemophilus influenzae in aboriginal infants with otitis media. | ribotyping with the restriction enzyme xbai was used to study the dynamics of carriage of non-encapsulated haemophilus influenzae (nchi) in aboriginal infants at risk of otitis media. carriage rates of nchi in the infants in the community were very high; the median age for detection was 50 days and colonization was virtually 100% by 120 days of age and persisted at a high level throughout the first year of life [1]. eighteen different ribotypes of nchi were identified from 34 positive swabs take ... | 1996 | 8620909 |
nonencapsulated haemophilus influenzae in aboriginal infants with otitis media: prolonged carriage of p2 porin variants and evidence for horizontal p2 gene transfer. | aboriginal infants in the northern territory of australia experience recurrent otitis media from an early age. nonencapsulated haemophilus influenzae (nchi) colonization of the nasopharynx initially occurs within weeks of birth, persists throughout infancy and most of childhood, and contributes to otitis media. we established previously that the high carriage rates of nchi in these infants result from concurrent and successive colonization with multiple strains, with sequential elimination of do ... | 1997 | 9119489 |
differing serologic responses to an haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide-neisseria meningitidis outer membrane protein conjugate (prp-ompc) vaccine in australian aboriginal and caucasian infants - implications for disease epidemiology. | this study compared hib antibody responses to a single lot of prp-ompc vaccine given at 2, 4 and 12 months to 57 aboriginal infants in rural areas of the northern territory and 56 caucasian infants in sydney, australia. the aboriginal infants had lower levels of antibody in cord blood (p>0.05), which were significantly lower (p<0.02) by 2 months of age. antibody responses to one or two doses of vaccine, measured at 4 and 12 months of age, were similar but the geometric mean titre following the b ... | 2000 | 10775792 |
the effectiveness of haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines in a high risk population measured using immunization register data. | the northern territory of australia has had historically very high incidence rates of invasive haemophilus influenzae type b disease in children less than 5 years of age, with the burden of disease greatest among aboriginal infants less than 12 months. this study documents the impact of conjugate hib vaccines introduced in 1993. immunization rates were monitored using an existing immunization register, and case finding was done retrospectively using hospital and laboratory records. following the ... | 2001 | 11293680 |
modelling of endemic carriage of haemophilus influenzae in aboriginal infants in northern australia. | aboriginal infants and children in rural communities in northern australia have high rates of nasopharyngeal carriage of nonencapsulated haemophilus influenzae (nchi), with positive swab rates of 76%. in this population, the acquisition of nchi from soon after birth is associated with the onset of otitis media and with muco-purulent nasal discharge, while the long-term persistence of nchi carriage is associated with the acquisition and turnover of large numbers of antigenically diverse strains. ... | 2001 | 11549421 |
australia's notifiable diseases status, 2001: annual report of the national notifiable diseases surveillance system. | in 2001 there were 104,187 notifications of communicable diseases in australia reported to the national notifiable diseases surveillance system (nndss). the number of notifications in 2001 was an increase of 16 per cent of those reported in 2000 (89,740) and the largest annual total since the nndss commenced in 1991. in 2001, nine new diseases were added to the list of diseases reported to nndss and four diseases were removed. the new diseases were cryptosporidiosis, laboratory-confirmed influen ... | 2003 | 12725505 |
evaluation of immunisation coverage for aboriginal and torres strait islander children using the australian childhood immunisation register. | to estimate immunisation coverage for routinely administered vaccines among children using receipt of a particular hib vaccine (prp-omp) as a proxy for indigenous status. | 2004 | 15108747 |
single-dose azithromycin versus seven days of amoxycillin in the treatment of acute otitis media in aboriginal children (aataac): a double blind, randomised controlled trial. | to compare the clinical effectiveness of single-dose azithromycin treatment with 7 days of amoxycillin treatment among aboriginal children with acute otitis media (aom) in rural and remote communities in the northern territory. | 2010 | 20047544 |
community-acquired pneumonia in the central desert and north-western tropics of australia. | community-acquired pneumonia (cap) results in significant morbidity in central and north-western australia. however, the nature, management and outcome of cap are poorly documented. the aim of the study was to describe cap in the kimberley and central desert regions of australia. | 2010 | 20561364 |
haemophilus influenzae type b carriage in indigenous children and children attending childcare centers in the northern territory, australia, spanning pre- and post-vaccine eras. | this paper investigates haemophilus influenzae type b (hib) carriage in indigenous children and children attending childcare centres in the northern territory of australia, 1992-2005. more than 10 years after the introduction of the hib conjugate vaccine, hib carriage persists in indigenous children (3.4%, 2003-2005) and children attending childcare centres (0.2%, 2004). this is the first australian study to examine hib carriage spanning the pre- and post-vaccination eras. increasing carriage ra ... | 2010 | 20875498 |
otitis media in children vaccinated during consecutive 7-valent or 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination schedules. | in 2001 when 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (pcv7) was introduced, almost all (90%) young australian indigenous children living in remote communities had some form of otitis media (om), including 24% with tympanic membrane perforation (tmp). in late 2009, the northern territory childhood vaccination schedule replaced pcv7 with 10-valent pneumococcal haemophilus influenzae protein d conjugate vaccine (phid-cv10). | 2014 | 25109288 |
reduced middle ear infection with non-typeable haemophilus influenzae, but not streptococcus pneumoniae, after transition to 10-valent pneumococcal non-typeable h. influenzae protein d conjugate vaccine. | in october 2009, 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (pcv7: prevenar(tm) pfizer) was replaced in the northern territory childhood vaccination schedule by 10-valent pneumococcal haemophilus influenzae protein d conjugate vaccine (phid-cv10; synflorix(™) glaxosmithkline vaccines). this analysis aims to determine whether the reduced prevalence of suppurative otitis media measured in the phid-cv10 era was associated with changes in nasopharyngeal (np) carriage and middle ear discharge (ed) micro ... | 2015 | 26482232 |
the epidemiology of invasive haemophilus influenzae infections in children under five years of age in the northern territory: a three-year study. | a survey of all episodes of invasive haemophilus influenzae infections that were diagnosed over a three-year period in children seen at the regional hospitals of the northern territory has found a significantly (p less than 0.001) higher incidence in children in central australia (the alice springs and barkly regions, and the anangu pitjantjatjara lands) than in the top end (the darwin, east arnhem and katherine regions), and a greater incidence in aboriginal than in non-aboriginal children. ide ... | 1990 | 2255282 |
vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination coverage in aboriginal and torres strait islander people, australia 2006-2010. | this report outlines the major positive impacts of vaccines on the health of aboriginal and torres strait islander people from 2007 to 2010, as well as highlighting areas that require further attention. hepatitis a disease is now less common in aboriginal and torres strait islander children than in their non-indigenous counterparts. hepatitis a vaccination for aboriginal and torres strait islander children was introduced in 2005 in the high incidence jurisdictions of the northern territory, quee ... | 2013 | 24410428 |
general health, otitis media, nasopharyngeal carriage and middle ear microbiology in northern territory aboriginal children vaccinated during consecutive periods of 10-valent or 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. | this study aims to monitor the prevalence of suppurative otitis media in remote indigenous communities after introduction of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (pcv13) in october 2011. we previously reported a decline in suppurative om following replacement of pcv7 by 10-valent pneumococcal haemophilus influenzae protein d conjugate vaccine (phid-cv10) in october 2009. | 2016 | 27260611 |
pneumococcal conjugate vaccines prevenar13 and synflorix in sequence or alone in high-risk indigenous infants (prev-ix_combo): protocol of a randomised controlled trial. | otitis media (om) starts within weeks of birth in almost all indigenous infants living in remote areas of the northern territory (nt). om and associated hearing loss persist from infancy throughout childhood and often into adulthood. educational and social opportunities are greatly compromised. pneumococcus and non-typeable haemophilus influenzae (nthi) are major om pathogens that densely colonise the nasopharynx and infect the middle ear from very early in life. our hypothesis is that compared ... | 2015 | 25596202 |