
[experimental pneumonia caused by an association of h. influenzae and the influenza virus].experiments in 400 non-inbred white mice indicated that the association of influenza virus a2 hong kong with h. influenzae enhanced the pathogenic action of the causative agents and led to the unfavorable clinical outcome only in those cases when these agents penetrated the body simultaneously, or when viral infection preceded bacterial infection. in those cases when influenza infection appeared in the presence of bacterial infection, the pathological process developed as a monoviral disease. th ...1979315141
a five-year prospective study of septicaemia in hospitalized children in hong a 5-year prospective study in a hong kong teaching hospital there were 344 clinically significant episodes of paediatric septicaemia. many of the microbiological and clinical features were similar to those reported in japanese and western studies but there were some important differences. half of the episodes (or 70% if neonatal infections are excluded) were community-acquired. the commonest organisms found were salmonella spp (15% of all and 27% of community-acquired infections); this was re ...19911942206
septicaemia in hong a five-year prospective study of blood culture-positive septicaemia in a hong kong teaching hospital there were 2211 clinically-significant episodes, of which 16% occurred in children less than 15 years old. the microbiology and clinical features were broadly similar to those seen in europe and north america, but with some important differences. two-thirds of episodes were community-acquired. the most common organism isolated from community-acquired septicaemias was escherichia coli and the s ...19902347772
antimicrobial susceptibilities of haemophilus species in hong kong.altogether 403 haemophilus spp. were isolated in seven hospital laboratories in hong kong during june 1986, mostly from sputum. of these 73% were haemophilus influenzae and 27% haemophilus parainfluenzae. all the isolates of h. influenzae were non-capsulated; haemophilus spp. were not isolated from blood or cerebrospinal fluid (csf) during the period of the study. antimicrobial resistance, including multiple resistance, was common. of all the strains of h. influenzae, 20% were resistant to 1 mg/ ...19892809236
antibiotic susceptibility of pneumococci and haemophilus influenzae isolated from patients with acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis: prevalence of tetracycline-resistant strains in hong kong.the susceptibility of 119 respiratory isolates of haemophilus influenzae and 87 respiratory isolates of streptococcus pneumoniae to various antibiotics was tested by means of an agar dilution method and an inoculum size of 10(3) colony forming units (c.f.u.). the antibiotics tested included penicillin/ampicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and four third-generation cephalosporins, cefotaxime, cefoperazone, ceftriaxone and moxalactam. fifty-eight per cent of the pneumococcal stra ...19836604106
invasive haemophilus influenzae type b infections in children hospitalized in hong kong, 1986-1990. hong kong hib study group.a 5-year territory-wide retrospective survey of invasive haemophilus influenzae type b diseases was conducted in hong kong. between 1986 and 1990, 57 cases (28 male) were recorded in children less than 12 years old (37 cases of meningitis, 9 of septicaemia and 11 of bacteraemic pneumonia). the annual incidence for children less than 5 years old was 2.7 per 10(5) (95% confidence interval (ci) 2.0-3.5). of the 57 cases, 39 were chinese and 18 non-chinese (7 vietnamese refugees, 6 caucasians, 5 oth ...19957756803
prevalence of ampicillin-resistant haemophilus influenzae in community-acquired infections in hong kong. 19938226441
epidemiology and etiology of pneumonia in children in hong kong.the epidemiologic and etiologic features of cases of pneumonia among 1,740 children admitted to a teaching hospital in hong kong over a 3-year period were studied. of the patients, 23% were < 1 year old and 69% were < 5 years old. the incidence of pneumonia requiring admission to the hospital was 6.4 episodes per 1,000 children per year for those < 5 years of age. the overall case fatality rate was 0.15% among patients who did not have severe underlying disease before contracting pneumonia. a ba ...19938286635
carriage of haemophilus influenzae and streptococcus pneumoniae in healthy chinese and vietnamese children in hong kong.nasopharyngeal carriage of haemophilus influenzae and streptococcus pneumoniae was studied in 621 healthy chinese children and 300 healthy vietnamese children aged from 2 months to 5 years in hong kong. the carriage rate of h. influenzae type b in vietnamese children was 1.3% (ci 0.04-2.63); it was zero in chinese. the carriage rate of non-typable h. influenzae was 5.8% (ci 1.4-7.6%) in chinese and 65.4% (ci 58.9-69.8%) in vietnamese. the carriage rates of s. pneumoniae were 10.8% (ci 8.3-13.2%) ...19958580623
changing patterns of susceptibilities of blood, urinary and respiratory pathogens in hong kong.the incidence and antimicrobial susceptibility of organisms isolated from blood, urine and respiratory specimens at a teaching hospital in hong kong were studied retrospectively from 1986-1993. the incidence of gram-positive bacteraemia, particularly coagulase-negative staphylococci (cns), increased significantly from 33.6 to 47.3% (p < 0.001) while that of gram-negative bacteraemia fell from 60.0 to 47.0% (p < 0.001). among blood isolates, methicillin resistance of cns increased from 17.0 to 58 ...19958926380
hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia in hong kong: a randomized study comparing imipenem/cilastatin and ceftazidime.the aetiology and outcome of hospitalized patients with moderate to severe community-acquired pneumonia (cap) were evaluated in 60 adult patients (38 male 22 female, mean age 68.4 years). they were randomized for treatment with either ceftazidime or imipenem/cilastatin intravenously for 7 days. bacteriological diagnoses were made in 25 cases (41.6%): streptococcus pneumoniae (5), haemophilus influenzae (5), pseudomonas spp. in particular pseudomonas aeruginosa (8), staphylococcus aureus (4), chl ...19979154675
meningitis in hong kong children, with special reference to the infrequency of haemophilus and meningococcal study the epidemiologic and aetiologic features of meningitis in children in hong kong.19979323615
haemophilus influenzae type b infections in hong kong.a 5-year territory-wide retrospective survey of invasive haemophilus influenzae type b (hib) diseases in hong kong established that the annual incidence for children <5 years old was 2.7 per 100000 [95% confidence interval (ci), 2.0 to 3.5]. however, the corresponding annual incidence in vietnamese refugees in hong kong was 42.7 per 100000 (95% ci 17.2 to 87.9), giving a relative risk of 18.5 (95% ci 8.3 to 41.0). the nasopharyngeal carriage rate of hib was zero in 621 healthy chinese children a ...19989781752
distribution of human kappa locus igkv2-29 and igkv2d-29 alleles in swedish caucasians and hong kong chinese.polymorphism in the igkv2-29 gene was shown to decrease the recombination frequency in b cells and to be important for immune responses to haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide. by using the combination of pcr and restriction enzyme mapping, the distribution of igkv2d-29 and igkv2-29 gene alleles was estimated in two geographically and ethnically different groups. we found that v2d-29*01 homozygous individuals were most common in swedish caucasians (82%), but less common in the chinese po ...200111261927
what have we learnt from community-acquired infections in hong kong?this study was initiated throughout hong kong, to reveal the characteristics of community-acquired infections. all specimens collected by general practitioners from infected patients were followed prospectively, and those that were culture-positive were analysed. four thousand seven hundred and forty-one specimens were collected from 3977 patients by 89 doctors from july 2000 to october 2001. the most common specimens were throat swabs (33%), urine (26%) and sputa (16%). the average culture-posi ...200312654732
protekt 1999-2000: a multicentre study of the antibiotic susceptibility of respiratory tract pathogens in hong kong, japan and south korea.a multicentre surveillance study performed in the far east during 1999-2000 investigated the in vitro activity of >20 antibacterials against common respiratory pathogens. in hong kong, japan, and south korea, 57.1, 44.5 and 71.5% streptococcus pneumoniae were penicillin-resistant and 71.4, 77.9 and 87.6% were erythromycin-resistant, respectively. overall, >90% of penicillin-resistant strains were also macrolide-resistant. all strains were susceptible to telithromycin. fluoroquinolone-resistant i ...200414732313
comparative in vitro activity of a pharmacokinetically enhanced oral formulation of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (2000/125 mg twice daily) against 9172 respiratory isolates collected worldwide in 2000.a new, pharmacokinetically enhanced, oral formulation of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid has been developed to overcome resistance in the major bacterial respiratory pathogen streptococcus pneumoniae, while maintaining excellent activity against haemophilus influenzae and moraxella catarrhalis, including beta-lactamase producing strains. this study was conducted to provide in vitro susceptibility data for amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and 16 comparator agents against the key respiratory tract pathogen ...200415494258
decreased levofloxacin susceptibility in haemophilus influenzae in children, hong kong.among 563 strains of haemophilus influenzae from young children in hong kong, 5 (0.9%) had decreased susceptibility to quinolones. the five strains had a ser-84-lys or asp-88-asn substitution in gyra. pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed that the isolates are genetically diverse.200415550208
sputum bacteriology in patients with acute exacerbations of copd in hong study the demographics and sputum microbiology of patients admitted to a teaching hospital with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (aecopd).200515763452
bacterial meningitis in hong kong: 10-years' experience.we studied the etiology, clinical features and outcome of patients with bacterial meningitis from an urban chinese city over a 10-years period.200416023529
sputum bacteriology in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and concomitant pneumonia in hong study the sputum microbiology of patients admitted to a teaching hospital with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (aecopd) with concomitant pneumonia.200516248860
antimicrobial susceptibilities of haemophilus influenzae in hong kong. 198916312409
invasive haemophilus influenzae isolates with decreased levofloxacin susceptibility in hong kong. 200616387750
a 1-year prospective study of the infectious etiology in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbations of copd.infection is a major cause of acute exacerbations of copd (aecopds). we aimed to study the infectious etiology related to aecopd.200717218555
response to wu et al. - cost-effectiveness analysis of infant pneumococcal vaccination in malaysia and hong kong.a recently published paper that assessed the comparative cost-effectiveness of the 2 pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (pcvs) in malaysia and hong kong reported that the 13-valent pcv vaccine (pcv13) is a better choice compared to the 10-valent pneumococcal non-typeable haemophilus influenzae protein d conjugate vaccine (phid-cv or pcv10) from both a payer and societal perspective as well as under various scenarios. however, the analysis relied on a large number of assumptions that were either err ...201627459265
cost-effectiveness analysis of vaccinations and decision makings on vaccination programmes in hong kong: a systematic describe and systematically review the modelling and reporting of cost-effectiveness analysis of vaccination in hong kong, and to identify areas for quality enhancement in future cost-effectiveness analyses.201728476628
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