
mass treatment for ascariasis: value of prophylactic use of piperazine in groups heavily infected with ascaris lumbricoides. 19705446832
evaluation of the impact of overseas pre-departure treatment for infection with intestinal parasites among montagnard refugees migrating from cambodia to north carolina.we evaluated the effectiveness of an overseas pre-departure regimen of five days of albendazole for presumptive treatment of intestinal parasites by examining stool specimens in treated and untreated montagnard refugees after arrival in the united states. among 815 refugees evaluated, fully treated refugees had a significantly lower prevalence of helminths (11 [1.4%] of 777), specifically hookworm and ascaris lumbricoides, than untreated pregnant women (3 [20%] of 15) (p < 0.001). multivariate a ...200818458310
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