
[distribution of entero-parasitic infections in the peruvian highland: study carried out in six rural communities of the department of puno, peru].a prevalence study was carried out in six rural communities in the peruvian highlands with the purpose of achieving a better understanding of the distribution of entero-parasites. the communities were located along the banks of lake titicaca, in the provinces of puno and el collao, department of puno, peru, at 3,800 m.a.s.l. to that effect, a total of 91 feces samples of adults and children from the following communities were analyzed: conchaca, puñutani, capalla, culta, maraesqueña, and jaillih ...200212525846
presence of helminth eggs in domestic wastewater and its removal at low temperature uasb reactors in peruvian highlands.this work studied the anaerobic sludge filtration capacity for pathogens reduction in a 29 l and 1.65 m height lab-scale uasb reactor treating domestic wastewater at low temperatures in the city of puno (peru). the anaerobic sludge filtration capacity was performed applying upflow velocities of 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.20, 0.27 and 0.41 m/h. results show that the he removal varied between 89 and 95% and the most common specie was ascaris lumbricoides. faecal coliform and escherichia coli removal vari ...201626748206
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