
intestinal parasites in the camiri, gutierrez and boyuibe areas, santa cruz department, bolivia.a parasitological study was carried out on 381 apparently healthy subjects from camiri, boyuibe, gutierrez. intestinal parasites and non-pathogenic protozoa were present in 78.7% of the population sampled; multiple infections were observed in 67.7% of the parasitized individuals. the protozoon most commonly found was entamoeba coli (in 40.7% of specimens), followed by giardia intestinalis (30.7%), iodamoeba bütschlii (10%), chilomastix mesnili (8.7%). other protozoon parasites also present were ...19883271990
seroprevalence of toxocara canis-igg antibodies in two rural bolivian communities.a survey on toxocara canis-igg seroprevalence was carried out in two bolivian communities (mora and zanja honda) living in the cordillera province, department of santa cruz. two hundred and sixteen people, both males and females, 2 to 85 years old were sampled. altogether, 73 people were positive (34%). the seroprevalence was 27% in mora and 42% in zanja honda (p = 0.022). no statistical correlations were found with sex and age. high prevalences were also found for intestinal helminths (hookworm ...199810645561
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