
parasitic infections among orang asli (aborigine) in the cameron highlands, april 2004, an outbreak of acute diarrheal illness occurred among the orang asli (aborigine) in the cameron highlands, pahang state, peninsular malaysia, where rotavirus was later implicated as the cause. in the course of the epidemic investigation, stool samples were collected and examined for infectious agents including parasites. soil transmitted helminthes (sth), namely ascaris lumbricoides (25.7%), trichuris trichiura (31.1%) and hookworm (8.1%), and intestinal protozoa, which included g ...200717877212
pattern and predictors of soil-transmitted helminth reinfection among aboriginal schoolchildren in rural peninsular on soil-transmitted helminth (sth) infections and reinfection among orang asli (aborigine) schoolchildren and their nutritional and socioeconomic status were analyzed to investigate the pattern and the possible predictors of sth reinfection. in this longitudinal study, 120 (60 males and 60 females) orang asli primary schoolchildren aged 7-12 years and living in remote areas in pos betau, kuala lipis, pahang were screened for the presence of sth using modified cellophane thick smear and hara ...200818582430
predominance of blastocystis sp. infection among school children in peninsular of the largest cross-sectional study in recent years was carried out to investigate the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among urban and rural school children from five states namely selangor, perak, pahang, kedah and johor in peninsula malaysia. this information would be vital for school authorities to influence strategies for providing better health especially in terms of reducing intestinal parasitism.201626914483
epidemiology of intestinal polyparasitism among orang asli school children in rural malaysia.this cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the current prevalence and risk factors associated with intestinal polyparasitism (the concurrent infection with multiple intestinal parasite species) among orang asli school children in the lipis district of pahang state, malaysia.201425144662
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