
intestinal parasites of humans in a highland community of irian jaya, indigenous, highland community in the oksibil valley of irian jaya, indonesia, was examined on two occasions to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites. overall, 478 subjects from three villages in the study area, about 10% of the available population, were sampled. using a standard, wet-mount technique, 15 different species of parasites were found. hookworm was predominant in all age groups, with prevalences of 51%-86%, followed by ascaris lumbricoides (46%-57%) and trichuris trichi ...19968729627
biomedical survey in irian jaya (west irian), indonesia.a biomedical survey was conducted in several areas of irian jaya, indonesia in july 1972 in association with an investigation of reports of a cholera outbreak. stool specimens, blood smears and sera were collected and examined for evidence of parasitic as well as other infectious diseases. a total of 114 stools were examined and the most commonly found intestinal parasites were trichuris trichiura (94%), ascaris lumbricoides (74%), hookworm (58%), entamoeba coli (15%), endolimax nana (8%), entam ...1977208184
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