
intestinal parasites in children with diarrhea in delhi, india.the parasitic causes of diarrhea in children in delhi were determined by the direct smear technique; stool specimens of 127 children were examined for intestinal parasites. in 59 cases (46.5%) intestinal helminths and protozoa were demonstrated. ascaris lumbricoides was observed in 1 (0.8%) case, while trichuris trichiura was the finding in 3 (2.4%). protozoal parasites included giardia intestinalis and entamoeba histolytica in 14 (11%) cases each, balantidium coli in 3 (2.4%) cases and cryptosp ...200212757217
total serum immunoglobulin e levels in a case-control study in asthmatic/allergic patients, their family members, and healthy subjects from immunoglobulin e (ige) is an important indicator of allergic disorders. however, its role in allergic patients in india has not been evaluated in relation to atopic status for a reference range as compared with healthy subjects.200616911358
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