
[malaria in the region of campinas, são paulo, brazil, 1980 to 1994].according to epidemiological data, from 1980 to 1994, 2,781 cases of malaria were registered as follows: dir xii-campinas (49.3%), dir xv-piracicaba (41.3%) and dir xx-são joão da boa vista (9.4%). the plasmodium vivax was found in 70.6% of the patients; plasmodium falciparum in 25.4% and 4% of the patients presented a mixed infection. the epidemiological classification showed that 95% of the cases came from the states of rondônia, mato grosso and par. the masculine sex, between the age of 20 to ...200010881119
the importance of anopheles albitarsis e and an. darlingi in human malaria transmission in boa vista, state of roraima, several districts of boa vista, state of roraima, brazil we found anopheles (nyssorhynchus) albitarsis e to be the primary vector of human malaria parasites, and during 2001-2002 it was significantly more abundant than an. darlingi (p < 0.001). other species sampled were an. (nys.) braziliensis, an. (ano.) peryassui, an. (nys.) nuneztovari, an. (nys.) oswaldoi s.l., and an. (nys.) triannulatus. as determined by the elisa technique an. darlingi had a higher overall infection rate (2.1%) compar ...200616830709
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