
[imported malaria in the soviet and foreign citizens]. 1978354018
[an analysis of 473 cases of malaria brought into moscow from foreign countries from 963 to 1968]. 19694924028
[malaria in moscow in 2000-2004].malaria was eradicated on the territory of moscow in 1960; its imported cases mainly from the countries of asia and africa and sporadic cases secondary to the imported ones were recorded during the following 40 years. mass migration of the population (businessmen, seasonal workers, etc.) from the endemic cis countries in the late 1990s, particularly to the moscow region, increased cases of tertian malaria, resulting from the transmission of the infection by the mosquitoes anopheles. a total of 7 ...200516445228
[malaria under the conditions of the moscow megapolis]. 200617290903
[trends in climatic changes and malaria in the moscow region]. 200617290904
[results of epidemiological surveillance of malaria vectors in the moscow open water reservoirs].in the past 2 years, the malaria epidemiological situation in moscow has drastically deteriorated, sporadic cases of local transmission of tertian malaria (plasmodium vivax) have been notified, which permits one to pose a problem, namely to eliminate malaria in the megapolis by 2010. monitoring and assessment of the entomological situation, surveillance of the malaria vectors anopheles mosquitoes in particular, acquire vital importance. the entomological surveillance has shown its efficiency on ...200919350715
[results of epidemiological supervision of malaria vectors in the open water reservoirs of moscow].in the past 2 years, the malaria epidemiological situation has drastically improved in moscow: only sporadic cases of local transmission of tertian (plasmodium vivax) malaria have been notified, which sets a task to eradicate malaria in the megalopolis in 2010. in this connection, the surveillance of the malaria vectors anopheles mosquitoes is assuming prime importance. the results of entomological monitoring have shown its efficiency on the territory of the megalopolis. main efforts have been d ...200920135875
[why has malaria not been rooted in present-day russia?].at present, a favorable malaria situation that contributes to the elimination of local vivax malaria transmission has established in russia by 2010 due to the following factors: 1) a considerable reduction in the number of imported cases ofvivax malaria from endemic cis countries; 2) a low malariogenic potential of the territory of the moscow region where the basic importation of malaria occurs; 3) a higher awareness about the prevention of malaria in the population; 4) medical workers' alertnes ...201020614524
[monitoring delagil (chloroquine) efficacy against imported plasmodium vivax strains].the efficiency of p. vivax malaria treatment with delagil (chloroquine) was evaluated in 122 patients, including 82 cases in moscow and the moscow region. the origin of the cases was malaria endemic areas in asia, africa, the pacific region, south america, and transcaucasia. forty other cases were imported malaria cases (secondary to imported ones), detected in moscow and the moscow region. standard treatment with delagil (2.5 g) resulted in clinical improvement during 3 days in the majority of ...201021395044
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