
plasmodium knowlesi: from malaysia, a novel health care threat.epidemic foci of plasmodium knowlesi malaria have been identified during the past ten years in malaysia, in particular in the states of sarawak and sabah (malaysia borneo), and in the pahang region (peninsular malaysia). based on a review of the available recent international literature, the authors underline the importance of molecular biology examinations, polymerase chain reactions (pcr), performed with primers specific for p. knowlesi, since the current microscopic examination (haemoscope) m ...201222475654
clinical and laboratory features of human plasmodium knowlesi infection.plasmodium knowlesi is increasingly recognized as a cause of human malaria in southeast asia but there are no detailed prospective clinical studies of naturally acquired infections.200919635025
epidemiology of malaria in malaysia.malaria is a major public health problem in malaysia, particularly in peninsular malaysia and the state of sabah. an eradication program started in the states of sabah and sarawak in 1961 initially was remarkably successful. a similar but staged program was started in peninsular malaysia in 1967 and was also quite successful. however, a marked upsurge in incidence in sabah in 1975-1978 showed that malaria is still a major hazard. the disease leads to great economic losses in terms of the product ...19826755616
differences in anopheles composition and malaria transmission in the village settlements and cultivated farming zone in sarawak, malaysia.anopheles mosquitos were surveyed using three trapping technics in four longhouse settlements and their respectively farming zone in western sarawak, malaysia. the study area was mountainous with tropical rain forest. an. leucosphyrus and an. donaldi were predominant in the farm huts. an. tessellatus and an. subpictus were more abundant in the village settlements. in both ecotypes, human baited traps yielded a significantly greater proportion of anopheles mosquito than cdc light traps and landin ...199910774651
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