
aedes albopictus and other container-inhabiting mosquitoes in the united states: results of an eight-city survey.extensive surveys were conducted in 1987 in baytown, tx; lafayette, shreveport and baton rouge, la; memphis, tn; kansas city, mo; evansville, in; and jacksonville, fl. the program objective was to determine the intensity of aedes albopictus infestations, to evaluate the degree to which ae. albopictus had spread into residential areas, to document habitat selection and to obtain background information for possible suppression or eradication projects. this report describes the survey methods and p ...19902370523
impact of west nile virus outbreak upon st. tammany parish mosquito abatement tammany parish, louisiana, experienced an outbreak of west nile virus (wnv) in 2002, with 40 human cases and 4 deaths, most occurring from june to august. culex pipiens quinquefasciatus was believed to be the primary vector of wnv during the outbreak, although circumstantial evidence suggests that aedes albopictus also may have been involved in transmission. dead bird reports were the 1st indication of the outbreak and were an excellent indicator of wnv activity; however, sentinel chickens w ...200515825759
microsatellite characterization of subspecies and their hybrids in culex pipiens complex (diptera: culicidae) mosquitoes along a north-south transect in the central united states.mosquitoes in the culex pipiens complex, cx. p. pipiens l. and cx. p. quinquefasciatus say are morphologically similar and important vectors of west nile and st. louis encephalitis viruses in the united states. the subspecies differ with respect to overwintering strategies, with cx. p. pipiens entering diapause in response to winter conditions and cx. p. quinquefasciatus lacking this ability, yet they hybridize when found in sympatry. specimens (n = 646) were collected using gravid traps set alo ...200919351074
laboratory and field studies of the southern house mosquito, culex pipiens quinquefasciatus say, infected with the dog heartworm, dirofilaria immitis (leidy), in louisiana. 19705485388
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