
a detailed larval salivary gland polytene chromosome photomap for culex quinquefasciatus (diptera: culicidae) from johannesburg, south africa.the suitability of polytene chromosomes for population genetic and in situ dna physical mapping was investigated in johannesburg, south africa, culex quinquefasciatus say and culex pipiens l.. the most defined and consistent polytene spreads were obtained from salivary glands of early fourth instars from cx. quinquefasciatus. a photomap is provided for a cx. quinquefasciatus colony originating from johannesburg. variations in banding patterns, chromosome aberrations, and paracentric inversions w ...200717427691
differences in extent of genetic introgression between sympatric culex pipiens and culex quinquefasciatus (diptera: culicidae) in california and south africa.comparisons of five morphological characters, 12 enzyme electrophoresis profiles, and wolbachia pipientis infection rates were used to characterize populations of members of the culex pipiens l. complex in california and south africa. in south africa, male phallosome dv/d ratio, male maxillary palp index, branching of siphonal seta 1a, the enzyme locus mdhp-1, and w. pipientis infection rates proved highly diagnostic for separating culex quinquefasciatus from cx. pipiens phenotypes. in johannesb ...200312597651
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