
studies on mosquito borne dieases in egypt and qatar.mosquitoes identification, distribution and densities in representative egyptian governorates and five qatarain municipalities (al rayyan, doha, al daayan, al khor & al zahakira and al shamal) were studied. in qatar the larvae were culex pipiens complex, c. univettatus, c. pusillus, aedes caspies, anopheles multicolor and a. stephensi. c. pipiens and c. univettatus were mainly in al rayyan, doha, and al khor & al zahakira. c. pusillus was in doha and al daayan while a. caspies was in al daayan a ...200920120742
culicini mosquito larvae in greater doubt, there is a marked civilization and modern establishment of housing, agricultural and industrial projects in egypt. in a survey to evaluate the culicini mosquito larvae in greater cairo, five species were recovered. these were culex pipiens, cx. pusillus, cx. perexiguus culiseta longia reolata and aedes caspius. the taxonomic features of the larvae were given and illustrated. the results were discussed on the light of previous work carried out in egypt.200314708849
seasonal distribution of culicini larvae in greater cairo.five species of mosquito larvae were encountered in greater cairo, culex pipiens, cx. pusillus, cx. perexiguus, aedes caspius and culiseta longiareolata. in parts of qualyoubia g. cx. pipiens was the most dominant and the least was cx. perexiguus. in parts of giza g. cx. pipiens was the most dominant and the least was cs. longiareolata. in cairo g. cx. pipiens was the most dominant and the least was ae. caspius. the overall abundance in a descending order was cx. pipiens (61.74%), cs. longiareol ...200415125522
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