
high prevalence of htlv-i and htlv-ii among blood donors in argentina: a south american health concern.after an htlv-i endemic area was discovered in jujuy, a northwestern province in argentina, to detect other possible foci of htlv-i/ii we started in 1997 a multicentric study to estimate the seroprevalence of htlv-i/ii including blood banks from different regions of the country. out of 123,233 samples from nine different provinces, 68 proved seropositive with a final prevalence of 0.05% (95% ci = 0.0432-0.0704%). the seroprevalence ranged from 0.03 to 0.16% depending on the geographic location. ...200515665638
stable human t-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (htlv-1) subtype a/subgroup a endemicity in amerindians from northwest argentina: a health problem to be resolved.jujuy province, in northwest argentina, is known to be endemic for htlv-1 infection. moreover, foci of htlv-1 associated pathologies have also been described in this region. to gain an insight into the current situation of htlv-1/2 in this endemic area, a seroprevalence and phylogenetic study was performed among a kolla community from abra pampa city and surroundings. out of 112 individuals, 11 (9.8%) were confirmed as htlv-1 positive and no htlv-2 infection was detected. the phylogenetic analys ...201020981802
correlation of htlv-1 tax genetic diversity with htlv-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis progression and htlv-1a genotypes in an htlv-1 endemic region in argentina.the oncoprotein tax was characterized genetically from a large cohort of human t-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (htlv-1) seropositive individuals from the most endemic region of htlv-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (ham/tsp) and htlv-1 infection in argentina, the province of san salvador de jujuy. sixteen ham/tsp patients and 47 htlv-1 healthy carriers were evaluated. six tax genetic polymorphisms were identified and observed in 70.8% of healthy carriers and 62.5% of ham/tsp ...201020572090
seroepidemiology of htlv-i/ii in argentina: an this report, the results of seroepidemiologic studies of human t-lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) and type ii (htlv-ii) infections in different population groups in argentina have been compiled. the studies have shown a high prevalence of htlv-i/ii infection in blood donors in the provinces in the north of argentina (1.0% in jujuy, 0.7% in salta, and 0.6% in formosa) and a low prevalence in the provinces in the central region of the country (<or=0.1%). high rates of htlv-i (0.45%-2.78%) and ...200415076246
adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma in jujuy, north-west argentina.human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 (htlv-1) infection is prevalent in native americans living in the andes. some of their malignant lymphomas (ml) show a peculiar histology suggestive of adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma (atll). to determine whether ml resembling atll are indeed atll, re-analysis of 34 cases occurring in jujuy, a province of argentina, was conducted, concentrating on immunological phenotype, integration of htlv-1 proviral dna, expression of htlv-1 p40tax and p27rex, and infection o ...200212100517
a seroepidemiological survey of htlv-i/ii carriers in the puna jujeña.human t-cell leukemia virus type i (htlv-i) carriers are clustered in limited groups in the world. one of these groups is the andean native population of south america. as part of an international collaborative study devoted to explore the clustering of htvl-i carriers in different countries, the aim of this paper was to evaluate the seroprevalence of htlv-i/ii virus in the native population of puna argentina in jujuy. blood samples of individuals of three populations of puna jujeña (susques, ri ...199910752214
htlv type 1 genetic types among native descendants in argentina.the province of san salvador de jujuy, located in the northwest of argentina, is a highly endemic area for htlv-1 infection and a foci of tropical spastic paraparesis/htlv-1-associated myelopathy (ham/tsp). therefore, to better understand this, we carried out a genetic characterization of a large set of htlv-1 strains (n = 65) of descendants of amerindians from this region. the ltr and env regions were analyzed. the genetic analysis showed that all of these new htlv-1 isolates from argentina bel ...200818657044
a cluster of human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis in jujuy, argentina.compared with other regions in argentina, greater human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) seroprevalence has been reported in jujuy province, where it reaches 2.32% in the general population, so that a search for htlv-i-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (ham/tsp) cases deserved to be carried out. accordingly, a clinically diagnosed and serologically confirmed cluster of cases in 1 man and 10 women, including 2 sisters, is described here. most patients (9/11) were born in ...200312640204
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