
antibody to htlv-i in indigenous inhabitants of the andes and amazon regions in explore the htlv-i-carrying groups among the indigenous inhabitants in south america, a sero-epidemiological study on htlv-i focusing on hinterland villages isolated from others in the andes and amazon regions was conducted. five (2.9%) out of 171 subjects showed positive for htlv-i antibody in the gelatin particle agglutination (pa) test. two out of 5 positives with high antibody titer (greater than or equal to x 1024) in the pa test also showed a positive immunofluorescence (if) test and an ...19901975804
geographic independence of htlv-i and htlv-ii foci in the andes highland, the atlantic coast, and the orinoco of clarify the ethnic specificity of human t cell leukemia virus type i (htlv-i) and type ii (htlv-ii) carriers among colombian native indians, we investigated the geographic distribution of htlv-i and htlv-ii seroprevalence among the isolated ethnic groups of mongoloid origin in the andes highlands and the atlantic coast of colombia. htlv-i carriers were found in 1.6% (1/62 samples) of inga, 8.5% (5/59) of kamsa, and 0% (0/55) of cumbal indians who live in the andes highlands at 3000 m above se ...19948179968
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