
chlamydia trachomatis, herpes simplex virus 2, and human t-cell lymphotrophic virus type 1 are not associated with grade of cervical neoplasia in jamaican colposcopy patients.a few recent studies have suggested that other sexually transmitted infections may increase the likelihood of a human papillomavirus (hpv) infection progressing to high-grade cervical neoplasia and cancer.200312838087
incidence of hiv and htlv-1 infection among sexually transmitted disease clinic attenders in jamaica.of 970 sexually transmitted disease (std) patients enrolled at the comprehensive health centre, kingston, jamaica, between november 1990 and january 1991, 710 (73%, 333 men and 377 women) were reexamined between january 1992 and july 1993 to estimate the incidence of hiv and htlv-i infection and to identify risk factors for infection. of those reexamined, 20% were recruited passively when they returned to the clinic of their own accord, and 80% were recruited actively through field visits to the ...19979257658
lack of relation between human t-lymphotropic virus type i infection and systemic lupus erythematosus in jamaica, west determine whether systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) is associated with human t-lymphotropic virus, type i (htlv-i) infection in jamaica, an endemic area for the virus, we studied 63 patients with sle at the university hospital of the west indies in kingston. antibodies to htlv-i were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) technique using purified disrupted whole virus as antigen, with confirmation by p24 protein ria or competitive binding. four of 63 sle patients were htlv- ...19883216294
human immunodeficiency virus and human t-lymphotropic virus type i infection among homosexual men in kingston, jamaica.from august 1985 through january 1986, 125 homosexual or bisexual men from the kingston area were enrolled in a study to evaluate risk factors for infection with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and human t-lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i). twelve men (10%) were seropositive for hiv and 6 (5%) for htlv-i; 1 man had possible coinfection with hiv and htlv-i. one third of the men reported having had homosexual encounters with foreign visitors or while travelling outside jamaica, and sexual cont ...19883216301
mother-to-child transmission of human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) in jamaica: association with antibodies to envelope glycoprotein (gp46) study mother-to-child transmission of htlv-i in jamaica, we screened antenatal patients in kingston, jamaica, from 1983 to 1985. of 2,329 women, 81 (3.5%) were htlv-i seropositive. two to three years later, 36 seropositive mothers were recontacted, and blood was drawn from them and their children. all sera were tested for htlv-i antibodies, and mother's sera were additionally tested for htlv-i whole-virus antibody titer, syncytium-inhibition neutralizing antibody titer, and titers to six synt ...19937692038
human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i and severe neoplasia of the cervix in jamaica.human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) was associated with carcinoma of the cervix in japan in a recent study that compared hospital cases with healthy population-based controls. to test this relationship in women more alike for cervical neoplasia risk factors (including sexual behavior and human papilloma virus; hpv), we enrolled consecutive patients from a colposcopy clinic in kingston, jamaica (an htlv-i endemic area). patients underwent pap smear, colposcopy, biopsy and cervical swa ...19957705929
retroviruses and schizophrenia in jamaica.reports of an 18-fold higher incidence of schizophrenia among second-generation afro-caribbeans, and especially jamaican migrants in the united kingdom were soon called "an epidemic of schizophrenia," with the inference that a novel virus, likely to be perinatally transmitted, was a possible etiological agent. this intriguing observation led us to explore a possible link with human t-cell lymphotropic virus type one (htlv-i), because it is a virus that is endemic in the caribbean island, is peri ...19968871965
risk factors for htlv-i among heterosexual std clinic attenders.human t-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (htlv-i) status was assessed in 994 patients attending a sexually transmitted disease (std) clinic in kingston, jamaica, between november 1990 and january 1991 for a new std complaint. of 515 heterosexual men, 36 (7.0%) were htlv-i seropositive, as were 38 (7.9%) of 479 women. htlv-i seroprevalence increased with age in women. a history of blood transfusion was associated with htlv-i in both sexes, significantly so in men [odds ratio (or) 4.7, confidence in ...19957712238
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