
human t cell lymphotropic virus type 1- associated infective dermatitis in kwazulu natal, south africa.the human t cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (htlv-1)-associated infective dermatitis (idh), is a chronic relapsing dermatitis which usually presents in children older than 2 years. a total of 300 cases have been reported worldwide (latin america, the caribbean and only 5 from senegal). neither idh, nor its complications have been reported from the rest of africa. we aimed to examine the clinical and aetiological characteristics of idh in a cohort of south african children.201324152710
tracing the origin of brazilian htlv-1 as determined by analysis of host and viral genes.we compared the genetic diversity of the brazilian human t-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 isolates with those found in kwazulu-natal (kzn), south africa, and with the genetic background of the hosts. the seroprevalence rate in kzn was 1.7%. all sequences belonged to the a subgroup. the presence of south african sequences in two different clusters from brazil, and the finding of the beta-globin haplotype in infected hosts are consistent with the transmission of this virus from southern africa to ...200616514313
lack of association of human t-cell lymphotrophic virus type 1(htlv-1) infection and rheumatoid arthritis in an endemic south africa the association of htlv-1 infection with myelopathy is well described in kwa zulu natal, which is an endemic area for htlv-1 infection. japan also has a high background prevalence of htlv-1 infection, and a significant association of htlv-1 infection with rheumatoid arthritis has been reported. this study was undertaken to determine whether there was an association with htlv-1 infection among black africans with rheumatoid arthritis (ra) in kwa zulu natal, south africa. a randoml ...200312605314
htlv-i infection in the free state region of south africa: a sero-epidemiologic study.human t-lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-1) is associated with tropical spastic paraparesis (tsp) and adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma. htlv-i infection is endemic in certain parts of the natal/kwazulu region of south africa. no studies on the seroprevalence of htlv-i infection in the free state (fs) have been published. this study was designed to determine the prevalence of htlv-i antibodies among different patient groups in the fs. sera from 863 patients were analyzed. there were: 178 asymptomati ...19968653770
prevalence and transmission of htlv-i infection in natal/kwazulu.a community-based seroprevalence survey for human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) was undertaken in the ngwelezane district of natal/kwazulu. a total of 1,018 individuals was interviewed for risk factors and had blood drawn for serological examination. to exclude antibody cross-reactivity between anti-htlv-i and anti-htlv-ii all western blot htlv-i-positive samples were further subjected to a select htlv test. for comparison, anonymous hiv testing was done. the areas of residence of pa ...19938123179
myelopathy associated with human t cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) in natal, south africa. a clinical and investigative study in 24 patients.unexplained spastic myelopathy in black (zulu) patients, similar to that seen in the tropics, has previously been described from natal, south africa. following reports linking the human t cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) to spastic myelopathy, we undertook a prospective and retrospective search for htlv-i antibodies in 36 patients who were labelled as having unexplained myelopathy; 24 (66%) were positive and htlv-i was isolated from 4 out of the 6 patients whose peripheral blood lymphocyt ...19902245298
sequence of the env gene of some kwazulu-natal, south african strains of htlv type i.phylogenetic analysis of htlv-i suggests three main subtypes, namely, cosmopolitan, central african, and australo-melanesian. htlv-i is endemic in kwazulu-natal, south africa. however, sequence data on the local strains are limited to the ltr region. the env gene of the local strain was amplified and sequenced from the peripheral blood of five seropositive individuals. four had htlv-i-associated myelopathy and one had infective eczema. the sequence analysis of the env gene showed a greater then ...199910480636
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