
septic shock in the intensive care unit, hillbrow hospital, johannesburg.the records of all patients with septic shock admitted to an intensive care unit during a 15-month period were analysed retrospectively. the main purpose of the study was to describe the aetiology and clinical features of illness, and to determine the outcome of the patients, including those factors influencing prognosis. thirty-five patients (46% medical, 54% surgical) fulfilling the criteria for the diagnosis of septic shock were admitted to the study. there were 21 male and 14 female patients ...19911876952
rapid antigen tests for neisseria gonorrhoeae and chlamydia trachomatis are not accurate for screening women with disturbed vaginal lactobacillary flora.we studied the accuracy of the rapid antigen detection tests gonozyme and chlamydiazyme in high-risk women in an outpatient prenatal clinic, kalafong university hospital, pretoria, south africa. women (n = 433) presenting with uneventful pregnancy (n = 324), unavoidable miscarriage (n = 41) or infertility of 1 year's duration (n = 68) had a pap smear for lactobacillary grading and detection of pathogens like candida albicans or trichomonas vaginalis, a swab for culture of neisseria gonorrhoeae, ...19969060056
sexually transmitted infections among sex workers in kwazulu-natal, south africa.the purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), among female sex workers operating at truckstops in the kwazulu-natal midlands of south africa.19989713913
effect of antifungal treatment on the prevalence of yeasts in hiv-infected subjects.oral candidiasis, the most common opportunistic infection in patients with hiv infection, is usually associated with candida albicans. several factors may influence the carriage of candida, including immunocompromised conditions and hiv infection, colonization by yeasts from different geographical areas and antimycotic treatment. this study investigated the candida carrier rate, level and types of yeast in hiv-positive and -negative subjects, and the effect of previous exposure to antifungal dru ...200616914661
oral candidiasis and oral yeast carriage among institutionalised south african paediatric hiv/aids patients.south africa currently has an estimated 500,000 aids orphans, many of whom are hiv-positive. oral candidiasis commonly occurs in both adult and paediatric hiv/aids patients. published information on hiv-positive children in africa mainly concerns hospitalised patients. the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of oral candidiasis and oral yeast carriage among paediatric hiv/aids patients residing in orphanages in gauteng, south africa, and to compare the prevalence of isolated ...200717295100
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