
isolation of mycoplasma gallopavonis from free-ranging wild turkeys in coastal north carolina seropositive and culture-negative for mycoplasma gallisepticum.serum samples and choanal cleft swabs were collected from livetrapped and hunter killed wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo) from martin and bertie counties, north carolina (usa). sera were tested for antibodies to mycoplasma gallisepticum, mycoplasma synoviae and mycoplasma meleagridis by hemagglutination inhibition (hi). sera from 33% (five of 15) of livetrapped turkeys were positive for antibodies to m. gallisepticum by hi, and all were negative for antibodies to m. synoviae and m. meleagridis. ...19921548788
an epornitic of mycoplasma gallisepticum in turkeys.a major epornitic of mycoplasma gallisepticum occurred in the monroe, north carolina, area between january and june of 1983. the outbreak involved 304,000 turkeys of various ages, which were slaughtered in the eradication program at a cost of more than $550,000 to growers and poultry companies. an infected peafowl was the likely source of infection on the first farm. traffic between farms by growers and company personnel was theorized to be the means of further spread.19846487195
wildlife surveillance during a mycoplasma gallisepticum epornitic in domestic turkeys.during a major mycoplasma gallisepticum (mg) epornitic in domestic turkeys, tracheal swabs were collected and cultured from 477 and 770 potentially exposed wild mammals and birds, respectively. all culture attempts were negative. serum-plate (sp) and hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) tests on 770 bird sera revealed low titers (less than or equal to 1:40) in 0.9% of tested house sparrows, 1.1% of brown-headed cowbirds, 35.7% of common grackles, 1.0% of starlings, and 16.6% of eastern meadowlarks. ...19827159324
a mycoplasma gallisepticum epornitic in turkeys: its epidemiology and eradication. 19817337605
clinical mycoplasma gallisepticum infection in multiplier breeder and meat turkeys caused by f strain: identification by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, restriction endonuclease analysis, and the polymerase chain february 1991, a flock of north carolina multiplier breeder turkeys experienced respiratory signs, sinusitis, airsacculitis, and increased mortality. mycoplasma gallisepticum (mg) was isolated, and appropriate control measures were initiated. ultimately, this outbreak involved several breeder flocks of an integrated turkey production company before the last infected flock was identified in may 1991. during this time, mg was also isolated from a flock of commercial layer-type chickens raised a ...19938257382
molecular epidemiologic investigations of mycoplasma gallisepticum conjunctivitis in songbirds by random amplified polymorphic dna ongoing outbreak of conjunctivitis in free-ranging house finches (carpodacus mexicanus) began in 1994 in the eastern united states. bacterial organisms identified as mycoplasma gallisepticum (mg) were isolated from lesions of infected birds. mg was also isolated from a blue jay (cyanocitta cristata) that contracted conjunctivitis after being housed in a cage previously occupied by house finches with conjunctivitis, and from free-ranging american goldfinches (carduelis tristis) in north caroli ...19979284386
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