
[extent of endemic chlamydia trachomatis in the metropolitan area of buenos aires (argentina)].in this report we inform laboratory results accumulated over ten years (1986-1995). the number of cases, and the geographic distribution, allow us to present a very reliable data about the dimension of chlamydia trachomatis urogenital infections in buenos aires city and we also compare this profile with the prevalence of neisseria gonorrhoeae in the same area and period of time.19979235052
[microbiologic profile in symptomatic pregnant women's genital secretions in gran buenos aires, argentina].establish the prevalence of microorganisms associated with genital colonization in symptomatic pregnant women. in order to review the evolution of frequent pathogens ecology and adjust the laboratory design, in a population attended at the public health hospital, in the great buenos aires.200111333586
[neonatal conjunctivitis in a hospital at gran buenos aires. last 5 years up-date].neonatal conjunctivitis is one of the most important consultation reasons in the first days of life. causes may be chemical or infectious. neonatal conjunctivitis study for common microorganisms and chlamydia trachomatis is being performed at posadas hospital since 1995, in a progressive form. the objective of this study was to know the epidemiological situation in the last five years (1999-2003), and to describe the variations detected between two periods, 1995-1998, and 1999-2003. it was obser ...200516323662
chlamydia trachomatis serovars in buenos aires, argentina: predominance of serovar e in ophthalmia neonatorum. 200718032994
chlamydial antibodies in children with lower respiratory disease.forty-nine of 255 (19.2%) argentinean children between the ages of 1 and 18 months without evidence of viral or bacterial infections, but with clinical and radiologic evidence of acute lower respiratory distress, had serologic evidence of recent chlamydia trachomatis infection by the demonstration of specific igm, seroconversion or 4-fold rise in titer or elevated titers by enzyme immunoassay and the microimmunofluorescence test. recent c. trachomatis infection was detected in 28 of 166 (16.9%) ...19921741201
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