
efficacy of diethylcarbamazine medicated salt in interrupting brugia malayi transmission in hill tribe settlements in kerala state.a filariasis survey carried out about eight years after achieving zero microfilaria (mf) rates following administration of diethylcarbamazine (dec) medicated salt in the kani hill tribe settlements in quilon and thiruvananthapuram districts of kerala state revealed that there was no reappearance of brugia malayi infection in the experimental areas. mf rates were maintained at zero level in the experimental villages, while in the control villages, 2.9 per cent mf positives were observed. mansonia ...19921296947
the resting and house frequenting behavior of mansonia annulifera, ma. uniformis and ma. indiana, the vectors of malayan filariasis in kerala state, india.mansonia annulifera, was recorded to be an endophilic species, preferring to rest indoors, while ma. uniformis was exophilic, having a predilection for outdoor resting habitats, eg bushes and shrubs. ma. indiana did not show a clear preference to either of these biotopes. in indoor resting collections, the unfed proportion of ma. uniformis was significantly higher during post-dusk compared to day hours (p < 0.05), indicating that this exophilic species enters houses during dusk hours for feeding ...19921359651
seasonal abundance & biting behaviour of mansonia annulifera, m. uniformis & m. indiana & their relative role in the transmission of malayan filariasis in shertallai (kerala state).three species of mansonia (mansonioides) mosquitoes, viz., mansonia annulifera, m. uniformis and m. indiana were recorded in the shertallai region of kerala state. m. annulifera and m. uniformis were recorded throughout the year while m. indiana was seasonal and in small numbers. their indoor resting density was 3.29, 0.25 and 0.10 per man per h and the man biting density was 24.67, 12.74 and 0.47 per man per night respectively. vector density fluctuated through seasons and reached a peak during ...19911683653
frequency distribution of brugia malayi microfilariae in human populations.this study examines the effects of host age and sex on the frequency distribution of brugia malayi infections in the human host. microfilarial (mf) counts for a large data base on the epidemiology of brugian filariasis in shertallai, kerala, south india are analysed. frequency distributions of microfilarial counts partitioned by age are successfully described by zero-truncated negative binomial distributions, fitted by maximum likelihood. this analysis provides estimates of the proportion of mf- ...19911852488
impact of 50 years of vector control on the prevalence of brugia malayi in shertallai area of kerala state.this article examines the long term effects of vector control on the prevalence of b. malayi infection and disease, by comparing the results of 3 earlier studies (1934, 1955, 1976) in one area of south india with a recent (1986) survey. the data indicate that disease and infection prevalence have declined continuously over the last 50 years. infection has declined (from 21 to 2%) more markedly than disease (from 24 to 10%). age-specific data indicate that this difference is due to the irreversib ...19892620946
control of brugia malayi filariasis with common salt medicated with dec in some hill-tribe settlements of kerala. 19846510998
aquatic vegetation and their natural hospitability to the immatures of mansonia mosquitos, the vectors of brugia malayi in shertallai, kerala, india.prevalence of various aquatic vegetation and their role in supporting vector breeding were studied by drawing plant samples from natural fresh water habitats in shertallai region which is endemic for brugia malayi. as many as 30 aquatic plant species were identified in addition to the most abundant and preferred host plants such as pistia stratiotes, salvinia molesta and eichhornia crassipes which are of major concern due to their contribution for vector proliferation. fallow lands and paddy fie ...19947667728
efficacy of diethylcarbamazine-medicated salt for microfilaraemia of brugia malayi.pilot studies in india and abroad have demonstrated the benefit of cooking salt fortified with diethylcarbamazine citrate (dec) for the control of lymphatic filariasis. in india, dec-medicated salt has been introduced on a commercial basis in the cherthala region of kerala, which is endemic for brugia malayi (b. malayi). we studied the efficacy of dec-medicated salt in the clearance of microfilaraemia of b. malayi.19979481098
susceptibility status of mansonia annulifera to brugia malayi parasites in cherthala, alappuzha district, kerala.laboratory studies conducted on ma. annulifera collected from cherthala region, kerala, endemic for brugian filariasis indicated that this species is highly susceptible to b. malayi parasites. the experimental infection index of this species was relatively higher (2.74). no significant loss of larvae during development was recorded. the extrinsic incubation period was estimated to be 8 days.19989838888
current status of filariasis in chavakad taluk, trichur district, kerala.a sample survey using parasitological, clinical and entomological indicators was carried out in all the 18 administrative units of chavakad taluk, trichur district, kerala, india to assess the current filariasis situation. cluster sampling procedure was followed to screen individuals. both wuchereria bancrofti and brugia malayi species were found to be prevalent in this taluk. microfilaria (mf) carriers with w. bancrofti were detected in eight areas while b. malayi was recorded only from one are ...199710085639
a preliminary note concerning development of larval stages of brugia malayi and wuchereria bancrofti in the bedbug in coastal filarial areas of kerala state, south india. 196013689282
presence of wolbachia endosymbionts in microfilariae of wuchereria bancrofti (spirurida: onchocercidae) from different geographical regions in view of the recent discovery of rickettsial endosymbionts, wolbachia in lymphatic filarial parasites, wuchereria bancrofti and brugia malayi and subsequently of their vital role in the survival and development of the latter, antibiotics such as tetracycline are being suggested for the treatment of lymphatic filariasis, by way of eliminating the endosymbiont. but, it is essential to assess their presence in parasites from areas endemic for lymphatic filariasis before such a new control tool is ...200315049082
decline of brugian filariasis in cherthala taluk, alappuzha district, kerala.a total of 4492 persons from 5 panchayats and 1 town were investigated from the brugia malayi most endemic taluk of cherthala, alappuzha district of kerala state. the urban area in cherthala taluk only revealed mf carriers; mf rate was 0.13%. rural areas in cherthala taluk were free from infection. microfilaria rate had declined by 99.5% and disease rate by 90.7% in cherthala compared to 1934 prevalence. shedding of sheath by b. malayi microfilariae was recorded for the first time in india. the ...200517080705
detection of human filarial parasite brugia malayi in dogs by histochemical staining and molecular techniques.human filariasis caused by brugia malayi is still a public health problem in many countries of asia including india, indonesia, malaysia and thailand. the world health organization (who) has targeted to eliminate filariasis by the year 2020 by mass annual single dose diethylcarbamazine administration (mda). results of the mda programme after the first phase was less satisfactory than expected. malayan filariasis caused by b. malayi is endemic in the south of thailand where domestic cat serves as ...201121620569
relevance of anti-bmr1 igg4 antibodies in children from an area endemic for brugia malayi infection in kerala, india.brugian filariasis prevalent mostly in south-east asian countries including india contributes to a small but significant proportion of the socioeconomic burden due to lymphatic filariasis. along with bancroftian filariasis, brugian filariasis has been targeted for elimination globally. the lack of a reliable daytime diagnostic test has been seen as an important barrier to the successful implementation and monitoring of elimination programmes in brugia endemic areas. we evaluated an anti-bmri-igg ...200922010493
canine filarial infections in a human brugia malayi endemic area of india.a very high prevalence of microfilaremia of 42.68 per cent out of 164 canine blood samples examined was observed in cherthala (of alappuzha district of kerala state), a known human brugia malayi endemic area of south india. the species of canine microfilariae were identified as dirofilaria repens, brugia malayi, and acanthocheilonema reconditum. d. repens was the most commonly detected species followed by b. pahangi. d. immitis was not detected in any of the samples examined. based on molecular ...201424971339
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