
epstein-barr virus-associated gastric carcinoma in cali, estimate the incidence of epstein-barr virus-associated gastric carcinoma (ebv-gc) in colombia and to clarify its clinicopathological features, we examined 178 consecutive gastric carcinoma cases, diagnosed during the period from 1996 to 1998, at hospital universitario del valle in cali, colombia. the mean age of the cases was 60 years in males and 58 years in females. using in situ hybridization assay of ebv-encoded small rna-1 in paraffin-embedded tissue samples, we identified 23 cases of e ...200312792770
environmental factors related to gastric cancer associated with epstein-barr virus in colombia.epstein-barr virus (ebv)-encoded small rna can be detected in about 1-17 % of gastric carcinomas. to elucidate lifestyles and other factors related to such an ebv-associated gastric carcinoma (ebv-gc), we conducted a case-control study in cali, colombia. the study subjects were 368 patients with gastric carcinoma newly diagnosed during the period between september 2000 and june 2003, including 42 ebv-gc cases. we obtained information on lifestyles, dietary habits, and occupational exposure by a ...200617250442
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