
viral etiology of mumps-like illnesses in suspected mumps cases reported in catalonia, spain.we investigated the etiology of reported sporadic suspected mumps cases with a negative rt-pcr result for the mumps virus in the barcelona-south region in 2007-2011. samples from mumps virus-negative patients presenting unilateral or bilateral parotitis or other salivary gland swelling were tested for epstein-barr virus (ebv) by real-time pcr and for respiratory viruses by two multiplex-pcr-based assays to detect parainfluenza virus (piv) 1-4, influenza virus (inv) a, b and c, respiratory syncyt ...201525483547
[hodgkin's disease. etiopathogenic role of epstein-barr virus in tarragona].the aim of this study is to assess the proportion of hodgkin disease (hd) expressing epstein-barr virus (ebv) in our area (tarragona-spain).200010786359
rhombencephalitis: a series of 97 patients.the term rhombencephalitis refers to inflammatory diseases affecting the hindbrain (brainstem and cerebellum). rhombencephalitis has a wide variety of etiologies, some of them potentially severe and life threatening without proper early treatment. in this retrospective observational study, we reviewed the records of consecutively hospitalized patients at university hospital of bellvitge (barcelona, spain) from january 1990 to december 2008. rhombencephalitis was defined as a brainstem and/or cer ...201121694648
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