
phage typing of klebsiella strains in epidemiological studies.a set of 14 routinely applied bacteriophages was used for the typing of klebsiella pneumoniae and klebsiella oxytoca strains isolated from patients in 1983-1986. the phage-sensitive strains (65%) differed in respect to the place and time of isolation which manifested itself by an occurrence of specific lysotypes in wrocław, gdańsk, wernigerode and włocławek, as well as various repeatibility on the lysotypes within 10 years.19892487377
phage-typing of klebsiella strains from cologne and wroclaw.276 strain of klebsiella pneumoniae and klebsiella oxytoca were phage-typed. 126 of these strains were isolated from clinical sources in the institute of hygiene in cologne and 150 came from wrocław. the set of 19 phages used for phage-typing was chosen out of 46 klebsiella specific bacteriophages. 80% of the isolates from cologne were sensitive to the phages in comparison to 83% of the strains from the wrocław region. the phage sensitivity of the german strain differed from that of the polish s ...19817029966
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