
seroprevalence of helicobacter pylori in chile: vegetables may serve as one route of transmission.helicobacter pylori infection is very common in chilean adults, but the age-related prevalence, risk factors for infection, and mode of transmission in chilean children are unknown. an elisa was used to test for h. pylori antibodies in 1815 chileans < 35 years of age. seropositivity was > 60% in lower socioeconomic groups. h. pylori seropositivity correlated with increased age, low socioeconomic status, and consumption of uncooked vegetables by use of a logistic regression analysis. risk factors ...19938515115
helicobacter pylori vaca s1a and s1b alleles from clinical isolates from different regions of chile show a distinct geographic establish the most common vaca alleles in helicobacter pylori (h pylori) strains isolated from chilean patients and its relationship with gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcers.200516419167
helicobacter pylori gastritis in children is associated with a regulatory t-cell response.helicobacter pylori infection in children infrequently causes gastroduodenal mucosal ulceration. because h pylori induces t-cell dependent gastric inflammation in adults and t regulatory (treg) cells suppress t-cell-dependent pathology, we evaluated gastric histopathology and treg cell responses in h pylori-infected children and adults.200818242215
tetracycline resistance in chilean clinical isolates of helicobacter pylori.since high-level tetracycline resistance in helicobacter pylori has been associated with a aga926-928-->ttc substitution in the 16s rrna genes rrna/b, the aim of the study was to screen for tetracycline resistance in h. pylori clinical isolates obtained from santiago, chile by using a recently reported molecular assay.201020035020
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