
[seroprevalence of helicobacter pylori infection among children of different socioeconomic levels in porto velho, state of rondônia].this study investigated the seroprevalence of helicobacter pylori infection in 200 children in the city of porto velho, state of rondônia, divided in two groups of 100 children. the prevalence of seropositivity varied considerably according to socioeconomic level, such that 51% of the lower-level children and 24% of the middle-class children were positive. the characteristics of the child population relating to sex, ethnicity and diet did not represent risk factors for acquiring the infection. h ...200717992412
evaluation of helicobacter pylory colonization by serologic test (igg) and dyspepsia in volunteers from the countryside of monte negro, in the brazilian western amazon region.the present study intended to analyze the seroprevalence of helicobacter pylori, igg, and its relation to dyspepsia in a population from the western amazon region. during the "projeto bandeira cient+¡fica", a university of s+úo paulo medical school program, in monte negro's rural areas, state of rond+¦nia, 266 blood samples were collected from volunteers. the material was tested for igg antibodies anti-helicobacter pylori by elisa method and the participants were also interviewed on dyspepsia, h ...201021748228
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