
helicobacter pylori infection: relation with cardiovascular risk factors, ischaemic heart disease, and social determine whether helicobacter pylori infection is associated with the development of ischaemic heart disease and whether such infection can explain the social class inequality in ischaemic heart disease.19958562233
prevalence of fundic gland polyps in a western european population. 19968835909
helicobacter pylori infection in children: relation with current household living conditions.studies demonstrating that deprived household living conditions during childhood are risk factors for acquisition of helicobacter pylori infection have been performed mainly in adults, who probably acquired the infection several decades ago. this study investigates whether deprived household living conditions remain important risk factors for infection in subjects (children) with recently acquired infection.19968881801
epidemiology of helicobacter pylori infection among 4742 randomly selected subjects from northern ireland.despite the widespread prevalence and serious clinical sequelae of infection with helicobacter pylori, there have been few large population-based studies, using randomly selected subjects, examining the epidemiology of this infection.19979279623
infection with virulent strains of helicobacter pylori is not associated with ischaemic heart disease: evidence from a population-based case-control study of myocardial infarction.although the majority of evidence does not support association between helicobacter pylori infection and ischaemic heart disease, the nature of this relationship may differ when virulence of the infecting strains are examined.200010729388
tracing clonality of helicobacter pylori infecting family members from analysis of dna sequences of three housekeeping genes (urei, atpa and ahpc), deduced amino acid sequences, and pathogenicity-associated markers (caga and vaca).helicobacter pylori, a gram-negative bacterium, is a causal agent of peptic ulcers and is estimated to infect the gastric mucosa of at least half of the world's population. as primary infections are acquired mainly by household contact, studies on family clusters provide a model for investigating transmission and the natural history of initial infection. here, sequence typing exploiting genetic variation in core fragments of three key housekeeping loci (urei, atpa and ahpc) was used to determine ...200312748272
helicobacter pylori infection and dyspepsia in investigate the relationship of helicobacter pylori infection with dyspeptic symptoms in early and late pregnancy. infection with h pylori and pregnancy outcome were also assessed.200314551017
managing dyspepsia without alarm signs in primary care: new national guidance for england and report new recommendations for the primary care management of dyspepsia without alarm signs in england and wales.200515854176
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