
seroepidemiological study of helicobacter pylori infection in south african children.the seroepidemiology of helicobacter pylori infection was studied in 681 randomly selected black children from newborn to 13 years of age (333 boys, mean age 8.05 years, and 348 girls, mean age 7.76 years) in kwazulu/natal, south africa. h. pylori infection was identified serologically using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect the presence of immunoglobulin g against h. pylori. demographic information collected included age, gender, family income, overcrowding, educational level, and ...19979373630
gastric adenocarcinoma--a perspective from durban, kwazulu-natal.kwazulu-natal is not a recognised 'hot-spot' for gastric cancer. the purpose of this paper was to ascertain the clinicopathological features of a cohort of cases encountered in the province. data for 124 cases were collected and analysed for age, gender, race, tumour size, histological type, lymph node status and helicobacter pylori status. the majority of cancers occurred in the 6th and 7th decades, irrespective of sex and race. more cases were encountered in males than females. the average tum ...200012365119
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