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on a survey of plasmid dna in the clinically isolated shigella strains in shanghai area and comparison with those from south east asia. 19873331655
beta-lactamases in shigella flexneri isolates from hong kong and shanghai and a novel oxa-1-like beta-lactamase, oxa-30.ninety-one ampicillin-resistant shigella flexneri strains from hong kong and shanghai were studied for production of beta-lactamases. tem-1-like and oxa-1-like enzymes were identified in 21 and 79% of the strains, respectively, by isoelectric focusing (ief). no difference in the pattern of beta-lactamase production was found between strains from hong kong and shanghai. four ribotypes were detected. over 88% of oxa-producing strains had the same ribotype. all tem-1-like strains harbored a plasmid ...200010898672
trend and disease burden of bacillary dysentery in china (1991-2000).we aimed to determine the burden of bacillary dysentery in china, its cross-regional variations, trends in morbidity and mortality, the causative bacterial species and antimicrobial resistance patterns.200616878230
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